I have a situation where i want the versioning to be dynamic at build time.
Version Pattern: <year>.<month>.<day>.<hhmm>
But i have read where the String value used in the Attribute is reparsed at compile time.
Any advise on how to get this dynamic versioning completed?
Ideal situation:
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(Year(Now) & "." & Month(Now()) & "." & Day(Now()) & "." & String.format("hhmm", now()))>
I know it wont work but should get the point acrossed.
You can use the MsbuildCommunityTasks to generate the build number and to customize the assembly file version on pre-build time.
Download the zip at MsbuildCommunityTasks
Unzip to the folder [SolutionFolder]\MsBuildExtensions\MSBuildCommunityTasks
Add the sample below on your project (csproj), just after the Microsoft.CSharp.Targets import.
<Import Project="$(MSBuildCommunityTasksPath)\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Time Format="yyyy.MM.dd.HHmm">
<Output TaskParameter="FormattedTime" PropertyName="My-VersionNumber" />
<Message Text="Building $(My-VersionNumber) ...">
<My-AssemblyInfo Include="$(My-PropertiesDir)\AssemblyVersionInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="@(My-AssemblyInfo)" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(My-PropertiesDir)" />
<AssemblyInfo OutputFile="@(My-AssemblyInfo)"
Condition="$(My-VersionNumber) != '' "
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Delete Files="@(My-AssemblyInfo)" />
Wipe the AssemblyFileVersion attribute from your AssemblyInfo.cs. It will be generated at build time.
You'll see the version number being printed on the console when you build. The generated file is deleted on the AfterBuild target, to keep your source control clean.
Building 2013.01.14.1016 ... Created AssemblyInfo file "Properties\AssemblyVersionInfo.cs".
Deleting file "Properties\AssemblyVersionInfo.cs".
If you want do this to many projects with less msbuild code, it will be necessary to create a customized build script to wrap up your solution.