Implement OrganizationUnit filter in ASP.NET Core

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-04 19:38:03

This isn't just a few lines of code.

Start with how IMayHaveTenant is filtered in CreateFilterExpression.

You can override ShouldFilterEntity and CreateFilterExpression in your DbContext.

SetTenantId is used to configure the tenantId, how could I configure OrganizationUnitId from UnitOfWork?

You can use the equivalent SetFilterParameter method.

But, it always return value from OrganizationUnitId in CustomAbpSession, this method CurrentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter did not set the value into filter.

From CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider.Current, you can access Filters:

protected virtual long? GetCurrentOrganizationUnitIdOrNull()
    if (CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider != null &&
        CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider.Current != null)
        return CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider.Current
            .Filters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FilterName == "MayHaveOrganizationUnit")?
            .FilterParameters["OrganizationUnitId"] as long?;

    return ((ICustomAbpSession)AbpSession).OrganizationUnitId;