R httr POST of JSON returns status 400

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-04 18:08:49

When I change dst_get_data to:

dst_get_data <- function(request, table, ..., lang = "en", 
                         format = "CSV", value_presentation = "Default") {


  dst_url <- "http://api.statbank.dk/v1/data"

  final_request <- list("table" = table,
                        "lang" = lang,
                        "format" = format,
                        "valuePresentation" = value_presentation)

  data <- POST(url=dst_url, body=final_request, multipart=FALSE)



and, the call to it to:

test3 <- dst_get_data(request = test2$basic_request, 
                      table = "folk1", format="JSONSTAT")

I get:

Response [http://api.statbank.dk/v1/data]
  Status: 200
  Content-type: text/json
{"dataset":{"dimension":{"Tid":{"label":"time","category":{"index":{"2014K2":0},"label":{"2014K2":"2014Q2"}}},"id":["Tid"],"size":[1],"role":{"time":["Tid"]}},"label":"Population at the first day of the quarter by time","source":"Statistics Denmark","updated":"2014-05-17T04:10:00Z","value":[5634437],"status":["a"]}} 

I think it was both the need for JSONSTAT and the fact that POST will do the JSON conversion for you automatically.The reason you need JSONSTAT is due to the fact that the "formats" available when you select data from the popup (in the console) are:

<select id="format" name="format"><option value="PX">PX</option>
<option selected="selected" value="CSV">CSV</option>
<option value="XLSX">XLSX</option>
<option value="HTML">HTML</option>
<option value="JSONSTAT">JSONSTAT</option>
<option value="DSTML">DSTML</option>
<option value="PNG">PNG</option>
<option value="BULK">BULK</option>
<option value="AREMOS">AREMOS</option>
<option value="SDMXCOMPACT">SDMXCOMPACT</option>
<option value="SDMXGENERIC">SDMXGENERIC</option>

Plain ol' JSON is not one of the options.
