De Morgan's Laws in Haskell via the Curry-Howard Correspondence

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 18:06:50

One thing that stands out to me is that you don't seem to be using the definition or any property of negation anywhere.

After reading the Haskell Wikibooks article on the CHI here is a proof assuming that you have a law of the excluded middle as a theorem:

exc_middle :: Either a (a -> Void)

and the proof of the notAandB de Morgan law would go like:

notAandB' :: Either a (a -> Void) -> ((a,b) -> Void) -> Either (a -> Void) (b -> Void)
notAandB' (Right notA) _ = Left notA
notAandB' (Left a)     f = Right (\b -> f (a,b))

notAandB = notAandB' exc_middle

The fourth law is not intuitionistic. You'll need the axiom of excluded middle:

lem :: Either a (a -> c)

or Pierce's law:

pierce :: ((a -> c) -> c) -> a

to prove it.
