Cross-domain user tracking without 3rd party cookies?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-04 17:07:17

It depends on the service but for behavioral advertising it's still mainly being done using third party cookies. Most people currently don't block them so it works well enough to be useful. They are enabled by default in the major browsers and not many people mess around with the settings. The last time I saw a statistic on it the number was less than 5% but this can vary considerably depending on the demographics of the users you're looking at. In the work I do I generally see much lower numbers of cookie rejection rates.

Tracking is an inexact science anyway as there are multiple things that can disrupt the linking of people to web visits (such as the common trend of people using multiple devices and browsers).

My personal opinion on the subject that I think you're getting at is that the Online Advertising Industry needs to be careful about what they do in this area because public opinion on the subject appears to be confused and could lead to a rejection of more than is necessary for privacy reasons.
