Rails 3: How to create a named scope based on Controller's method?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-04 17:00:43

Use a lambda to make a dynamic scope, and keep the session info out of the model:

In your model:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :relevant, lambda {|demo_mode|
     where("publishers.user_type #{demo_mode ? '' : 'NOT'} LIKE 'demo'")

And then in the controller:

posts = Post.relevant(demo_mode?)

Try something like this

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

    scope :relevant, joins("INNER JOIN users ON (users.user_type = 'demo')").where("publisher_id = users.id")


If I understand correctly, the demo state is determined by the session so only the controller knows about it. On the other hand, the controller (or possibly the view) is the only place where you would want to query the scope. If all of this is correct, I would add a method to ApplicationController like this:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def relevant_posts
      where("publishers.user_type #{demo_mode? ? '' : 'NOT'} LIKE 'demo'")

  helper_method :relevant_posts # if you want it to be available in views

Technically, this is not a named scope. Rails 3, however does not make much of a difference between named scopes and the standard query interface.
