How to design a REStful API for a media analysis engine

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-04 16:54:28

You can fix the entry point url,

GET /facerecognition

  <Profiles href="/facerecognition/profiles"/>
  <AnalysisRequests href="/facerecognition/analysisrequests"/>

Create a new profile by posting the XML profile to the URL in the href attribute of the Profiles element

POST /facerecognition/profiles
201 - Created
Location: /facerecognition/profile/33

Initiate the analysis by creating a new Analysis Request. I would avoid using the term session as it is too generic and has lots of negative associations in the REST world.

POST /facerecognition/analysisrequests?profileId=33
201 - Created
Location: /facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103

Check the status of the process

GET /facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103

   <Cancel Method="DELETE" href="/facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103" />

when the processing has finished, the same GET could return

   <Results href="/facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103/results" />

The specific URLs that I have chosen are relatively arbitrary, you can use whatever is the clearest to you.
