When I compile APK using Crosswalk (ionic browser add crosswalk; ionic build android
), the size is too big (~20 MB). I think using crosswalk lite will reduce the size of compiled APK. But I have no idea to hack ionic-cli to use crosswalk lite.
My question is: 1. Will this support crosswalk lite? 2. Is there any hack (or temporary solution) to use crosswalk lite?
This is experimentary , but it will work , cant guarantee there will be no bugs when you build your app though , please read this well before you proceed.
Procedure : ( all steps are done from a machine running MS-Windows 8.1)
First of all, I have searched for available crosswalk-lite everywhere to download the version from , it appears that there are only 3 available versions to download found here , and as you can see the latest is
i tried later versions like 12.xx , 13.xx , and 14.xx but in vain , could not find any repo for later versions.Navigate to your npm node-modules folder : default in windows is
find the ionic module folder , and then , and start editing browser.js file , file can be found inside:
- In your code editor find the line #169 :
IonicTask.prototype.downloadCrosswalkWebview = function downloadCrosswalkWebview(architecture, version, releaseStatus) {
this function is responsible for downloading the crosswalk version you want , and it takes the following parameters :
architecture , version and releaseStatus.
We will be adding our lite version manually , so we can download it later.
We will be changing some value temporarily for downloading lite version , but remmeber to turn it back to its original value later :
in line#178 :
var downloadUrl = 'https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk/android/' + releaseStatus + '/' +
version + '/' + architecture + '/crosswalk-webview-' + version + '-' + architecture + '.zip';
to be :
var downloadUrl = 'https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk-lite/android/' + releaseStatus + '/' +
version + '/' + architecture + '/crosswalk-webview-' + version + '-' + architecture + '.zip';
- in line#39 there is an array of objects
, add this object to it :
version: '',
publish_date: '2015-03-06 03:06',
canary: true
You can test that object is added successfully running this command in your CLI :
ionic browser list
and as you can see it got listed in available versions:
- Final step is to download your crosswalk-lite project into your project folder via CLI Command :
ionic browser add crosswalk@
That is all you are done.
I have never tried ionic in building my hybrid projects.
Forget about Ionic-cli crosswalk-lite, it relies on cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview, but cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview does not support crosswalk-lite for now. If you wanna use crosswalk-lite, you will have to use cordova-android 3.0 way with CordovaLib provided with crosswalk-lite-cordova (https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk-lite/android/canary/, because latest crosswalk-lite is 10.0. Good news is the team is working on rebasing lite to 14.0. Hopefully it comes out ASSP.
Ionic-cli now has an option for lite:
ionic browser list
ionic browser add crosswalk-lite
although, you may want to see this post