I have an R data frame, which is displayed on RShiny output called by renderDataTable. However, I am unable to implement a simple Java or html tags that helps me to do the following.
Example: (I am inserting the server.ui code, considering that these parameters are to be set at server.ui end. ) For simplification representing only 2 rows. mydataframe
Col1 Col2 Col3
Google 5 lines description www.google.com
Yahoo 5 lines description www.yahoo.com
Goal is to
- rederDataTable output on shiny so that, "Google" and "Yahoo" are clickable labels, with their links (Col3) saved into them. Thereby, reducing 3 columns to 2.
Your help and suggestions are highly appreciated.
output$PM_output <- renderDataTable(expr = mydataframe),
options = list(autoWidth = T,
LengthMenu = c(5, 30, 50),
columnDefs = list(list(targets = c(6,7,8,9) - 1,
searchable = F)),
pageLength = 5,
selection = 'multiple'))
pickle rick
You can use the escape
argument to datatables, see https://rstudio.github.io/DT/#escaping-table-content.
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
dat <- read.table(text="Col1 Col2 Col3
Google '5 lines description' www.google.com
Yahoo '5 lines description' www.yahoo.com", header=T, strings=F)
dat$Col3 <- sapply(dat$Col3, function(x)
toString(tags$a(href=paste0("http://", x), x)))
output$PM_output <- renderDataTable(expr = datatable(dat, escape=FALSE),
options = list(autoWidth = T))
setting escape=3
(the column number) also seems to work, or passing escape
argument to renderDataTable