Lock-free thread-safe queue - need advice

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-04 15:46:23

"lock-free"does not mean that threads won't block each other. It means that they block each other through very efficient but also very tricky mechanisms. Only needed for very high performance scenarios and even the experts get it wrong (a lot).

Best advice: forget "lock-free"and just use a "thread-safe" queue.

I would recommend the "Blocking Queue" from this page.

And it's a matter of choice to include the ThreadRoutine (the Consumer) in the class itself.

To the second part of your question, it depends on what "some synchronization event" exactly is. If you are going to use a Method call, then let that start a one-shot thread. If you want to wait on a Semaphore than don't use Monitor and Pulse. They are not reliable here. Use an AutoResetEvent/ManualResetEvent.
How to surface that depends on how you want to use it.

Your basic ingredients should look like this:

class Logger
    private AutoResetEvent _waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    private object _locker = new object();
    private bool _isRunning = true;    

    public void Log(string msg)
       lock(_locker) { _queue.Enqueue(msg); }

    public void FlushQueue()

    private void WorkerProc(object state)
        while (_isRunning)
            // process queue, 
            // ***
                string s = null;
                   if (_queue.IsEmpty) 
                   s = _queue.Dequeu();
                if (s != null)
                  // process s

Part of the discussion seems to be what to do when processing the Queue (marked ***). You can lock the Queue and process all items, during which adding of new entries will be blocked (longer), or lock and retrieve entries one by one and only lock (very) shortly each time. I've adde that last scenario.

A summary: You don't want a Lock-Free solution but a Block-Free one. Block-Free doesn't exist, you will have to settle for something that blocks as little as possible. The last iteration of mys sample (incomplete) show how to only lock around the Enqueue and Dequeue calls. I think that will be fast enough.

Has your profiler shown you that you are experiencing a large overhead by using a simple lock statement? Lock-free programming is very hard to get right, and if you really need it I would suggest taking something existing from a reliable source.

It's not hard to make this lock-free if you have atomic operations. Take a singly linked list; you just need the head pointer.

Log function:
1. Locally prepare the log item (node with logging string).
2. Set the local node's next pointer to head.
3. ATOMIC: Compare head with local node's next, if equal, replace head with address of local node.
4. If the operation failed, repeat from step 2, otherwise, the item is in the "queue".

1. Copy head locally.
2. ATOMIC: Compare head with local one, if equal, replace head with NULL.
3. If the operation failed, repeat from step 1.
4. If it succeeded, process the items; which are now local and out of the "queue".
