How to hydrate server-side parameters with React + Redux

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-04 15:33:14

I recently wrote an article around this requirement, but it does require the use of redux-sagas. It does pickup from the point of view of redux-thunks and using this static fetchData/need pattern.

I think this saga approach is far more cleaner and simpler to reason about but that might just be my opinion :)

There doesn't appear to be a more idiomatic way to do this than the fetchData approach I included in my original question. Although it still seems inelegant to me, it has fewer problems than I initially realized:

  • .WrappedComponent is a stable interface, but the reference isn't needed anyway. The Redux connect function automatically hoists any static methods from the original class into its wrapper.
  • Any other higher-order component that wraps a Redux-bound container also needs to hoist (or pass through) any static methods.

There may be other considerations I am not seeing, but I've settled on a helper method like this in my server.js file:

function prefetchComponentData (renderProps, store) {
  let { params, components, location } = renderProps
  components.forEach(componentClass => {
    if (componentClass && typeof componentClass.prefetchData === 'function') {
      componentClass.prefetchData({ store, params, location })