Replace mean or mode for missing values in R

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-04 14:39:52

If you simply remove the obvious bugs then it works as intended:

Mode <- function (x, na.rm) {
    xtab <- table(x)
    xmode <- names(which(xtab == max(xtab)))
    if (length(xmode) > 1) xmode <- ">1 mode"

# fake array:
age <- c(5, 8, 10, 12, NA)
a <- factor(c("aa", "bb", NA, "cc", "cc"))
b <- c("banana", "apple", "pear", "grape", NA)
df_test <- data.frame(age=age, a=a, b=b)
df_test$b <- as.character(df_test$b)


#   age    a      b
# 1   5   aa banana
# 2   8   bb  apple
# 3  10 <NA>   pear
# 4  12   cc  grape
# 5  NA   cc   <NA>

for (var in 1:ncol(df_test)) {
    if (class(df_test[,var])=="numeric") {
        df_test[[,var]),var] <- mean(df_test[,var], na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if (class(df_test[,var]) %in% c("character", "factor")) {
        df_test[[,var]),var] <- Mode(df_test[,var], na.rm = TRUE)


#     age  a       b
# 1  5.00 aa  banana
# 2  8.00 bb   apple
# 3 10.00 cc    pear
# 4 12.00 cc   grape
# 5  8.75 cc >1 mode

I recommend that you use an editor with syntax highlighting and bracket matching, which would make it easier to find these sorts of syntax errors.
