I am trying to connect to MySQL from R. I have installed "8.0.11 MySQL Community Server - GPL" on my machine. In R studio, I have installed RMySQL Library.
When I give the command:
con = dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(),user="root", password = "password", dbname="test")
I keep getting the error:
Error in .local(drv, ...) : Failed to connect to database: Error: Unknown database 'test'
I am not sure why it keep giving this error. Any suggestions?
Here is a code I use for access to MySQL from R
# 1. Library
# 2. Settings
db_user <- 'your_name'
db_password <- 'your_password'
db_name <- 'database_name'
db_table <- 'your_data_table'
db_host <- '' # for local access
db_port <- 3306
# 3. Read data from db
mydb <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user = db_user, password = db_password,
dbname = db_name, host = db_host, port = db_port)
s <- paste0("select * from ", db_table)
rs <- dbSendQuery(mydb, s)
df <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
Please, check how it works on your side.
PS. Looks like you miss 'db_table' parameter.
The obvious reason may be "I hope" beacuse you didn't include the host ip. Also I prefer use pool
package. Then your connection call may be
pool <- dbPool(
drv = RMySQL::MySQL(),
dbname = "db_name",
host = "",
username = 'user_name',
password = 'password',
port = 3306
onStop(function() {
Another thing it's better to define user with appropriate privileges on test DB and use this user in the connection call insteade of root as DB connection security best practice.