Querying JSON with JSONPath or SelectTokens? With JSON.NET in C#

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-04 12:55:53

You can use LINQ to JSON and SelectTokens to do the required query:

        string json = GetJson();
        var obj = JObject.Parse(json);
        var testEmail = "someone@awebsite.com";

        var streamQuery = obj.SelectTokens("video.streams.*").Where(s => (string)s["email"] == testEmail);
        var firstEnabled = streamQuery.Select(s => (bool?)s["enable"]).FirstOrDefault();

The query returns a nullable bool that is true or false if the first stream for the desired email is enabled, or null if there is no stream for that email address.

Note that this returns the enabled state of the first stream matching the given email address. If you want to know if any are enabled, do:

        var anyEnabled = streamQuery.Any(s => (bool)s["enable"]);