Strange “stutter” in box2D on different android devices

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-04 12:52:10

As I mentioned in the comments here, this came down to being a timer resolution issue. I was using a timer class which was supposed to access the highest resolution system timer, cross platform. Everything worked great, except when it came to Android, some versions worked and some versions it did not. The galaxy tab 10.1 was one such case.

I ended up re-writing my getSystemTime() method to use a new addition to C++11 called std::chrono::high_resolution_clock. This also worked great (everywhere but Android)... except it has yet to be implemented in any NDK for android. It is supposed to be implemented in version 5 of the crystax NDK R7, which at the time of this post is 80% complete.

I did some research into various methods of accessing the system time or something by which I could base a reliable timer on the NDK side, but what it comes down to is that these various methods are not supported on all platforms. I've went through the painful process of writing my own engine from scratch simply so that I could support every version of android, so betting on methods that are inconsistently implemented is nonsensical.

The only sensible solution for anyone facing this problem, in my opinion, is to simply abandon the idea of implementing such code on the NDK side. I'm going to do this on the Java end instead, since thus far in all my tests this has been sufficiently reliable across all devices that I've tested on. More on that here:

I have now implemented my proposed solution, to do timing on the java side and it has worked. I also discovered that handling any relatively large number, regardless of data type (a number such as the nano seconds from calling the monotonic clock) in the NDK side also results in serious lagging on some versions of android. As such I've optimized this as much as possible by passing around a pointer to the system time, to ensure we're not passing-by-copy.

One last thing too, my statement that calling the monotonic clock from the NDK side is unreliable is however, it would seem, false. From the Android docks on System.nanoTime(),

...and System.nanoTime(). This clock is guaranteed to be monotonic, and is the recommended basis for the general purpose interval timing of user interface events, performance measurements, and anything else that does not need to measure elapsed time during device sleep.

So it would seem, if this can be trusted, that calling the clock is reliable, but as mentioned there are other issues that then arise, like handling allocating and dumping the massive number that results which alone nearly cut my framerate in half on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 3.2. Ultimate conclusion: supporting all android devices equally is either damn near or flat out impossible and using native code seems to make it worse.

I am very new to game development, and you seem a lot more experienced and it may be silly to ask, but are you using delta time to update your world? Altough you say you have a constant frame rate of 60 fps, maybe your frame counter calculates something wrong, and you should use delta time to skip some frames when the FPS is low, or your world seem to "stay behind". I am pretty sure that you are familiar with this, but I think a good example is here : DeltaTimeExample altough it is a C implementation. If you need I can paste some code from my Android Projects of how I use delta time, that I've developed following this book : Beginning Android Games.
