.NET DLL needs to receive a Clarion callback procedure and then all it passing three ints?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-04 12:38:51

Hopefully this example gives you somewhere to start, it is based on an example from the SoftVelocity newsgroups (cached plain text version here).

Note: I am using the RGiesecke DllExport package and a modified version of the Clarion LibMaker to create a compatible lib file. You mentioned that you are already calling into the C# DLL without issue so I am assuming that you are doing something similar. If you are interested, I go into this further on my blog.

Clarion Code

CallbackProc                PROCEDURE(BSTRING PassedValue, *BSTRING ReturnValue),TYPE,PASCAL,DLL(TRUE)
SetCallback                 PROCEDURE(*CallbackProc pCallback),NAME('SetCallback'),PASCAL,RAW,DLL(TRUE)
TestCallback                PROCEDURE(*CString passedString),NAME('TestCallback'),PASCAL,RAW,DLL(TRUE)
Callback                PROCEDURE(BSTRING PassedValue, *BSTRING ReturnValue),PASCAL
a                   CSTRING(20)

  Message('Clarion: SetCallback(Callback)')

  a = 'Call Test Worked'
  Message('Clarion: Send message: ' & a)


  Message('Clarion: Made call and got back safely')

Callback      PROCEDURE(BSTRING PassedValue, *BSTRING ReturnValue)

    MESSAGE('Clarion: Passed Value: ' & PassedValue)
    ReturnValue = 'Done'

C# Code

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using RGiesecke.DllExport;

namespace ManagedCSharpDLL
  public static class UnmanagedExports

    private static CallbackProc _callback;

    [DllExport("SetCallback", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static void SetCallback(CallbackProc pCallback)
      _callback = pCallback;
      MessageBox.Show("C#: SetCallback Completed");

    [DllExport("TestCallback", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static void TestCallback(string passedString)
      string displayValue = passedString;
      string returnValue = String.Empty;

      MessageBox.Show("C#: About to call the Callback. displayValue=" + displayValue + ", returnValue=" + returnValue);
      _callback(displayValue, ref returnValue);
      MessageBox.Show("C#: Back from the Callback. displayValue=" + displayValue + ", returnValue=" + returnValue);

    public delegate void CallbackProc( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] String PassedValue,  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] ref String ReturnValue);
