perl Mojo and JSON for simultaneous requests

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-04 11:51:27


It seems that we missed the real question, how to post forms. Oops sorry about that.

Posting forms depends on which version of Mojolicious you are using. Until recently (v3.85 -- 2013-02-13) there was a post_form method. On reflection however, it was decided there should either be *_form methods for every request type, or we should do something smarter, and thus the form generator was born.

$response_vt = $ua->post( 
  form => {'apikey' => $key, 'resource' => $md5}, 
  sub { ... }

It can be added to any request method, making it much more consistent than the old form. Also note that it should be a hashref, not an arrayref as LWP allows. BTW there is also a json generator that works like this too, or you can even add your own!

I'm leaving my original answer, showing non-blocking usage, which you may now amend given the above.


Building off the logic from creaktive, this is how I would start. The major difference is that there isn't a monitor watching to be sure that there are works going, rather when one finishes it checks to be sure that there are no idlers.

I have also made some changes in the parsing logic, but nothing major.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use utf8::all;

use Mojo::URL;
use Mojo::UserAgent;

# FIFO queue
my @urls = qw(

# User agent following up to 5 redirects
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent
    ->new(max_redirects => 5)

start_urls($ua, \@urls, \&get_callback);

sub start_urls {
  my ($ua, $queue, $cb) = @_;

  # Limit parallel connections to 4
  state $idle = 4;
  state $delay = Mojo::IOLoop->delay(sub{say @$queue ? "Loop ended before queue depleated" : "Finished"});

  while ( $idle and my $url = shift @$queue ) {
    print "Starting $url, $idle idle\n\n";


    $ua->get($url => sub{ 
      print "Got $url, $idle idle\n\n"; 
      $cb->(@_, $queue); 

      # refresh worker pool
      start_urls($ua, $queue, $cb); 


  # Start event loop if necessary
  $delay->wait unless $delay->ioloop->is_running;

sub get_callback {
    my ($ua, $tx, $queue) = @_;

    # Parse only OK HTML responses
    return unless 
        and $tx->res->headers->content_type =~ m{^text/html\b}ix;

    # Request URL
    my $url = $tx->req->url;
    say "Processing $url";
    parse_html($url, $tx, $queue);

sub parse_html {
    my ($url, $tx, $queue) = @_;

    state %visited;

    my $dom = $tx->res->dom;
    say $dom->at('html title')->text;

    # Extract and enqueue URLs

        # Validate href attribute
        my $link = Mojo::URL->new($_->{href});
        return unless eval { $link->isa('Mojo::URL') };

        # "normalize" link
        $link = $link->to_abs($url)->fragment(undef);
        return unless grep { $link->protocol eq $_ } qw(http https);

        # Don't go deeper than /a/b/c
        return if @{$link->path->parts} > 3;

        # Access every link only once
        return if $visited{$link->to_string}++;

        # Don't visit other hosts
        return if $link->host ne $url->host;

        push @$queue, $link;
        say " -> $link";
    say '';


Take a look at this concurrent-requesting Mojolicious-based web crawler I wrote to illustrate my article Web Scraping with Modern Perl:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010;
use open qw(:locale);
use strict;
use utf8;
use warnings qw(all);

use Mojo::UserAgent;

# FIFO queue
my @urls = map { Mojo::URL->new($_) } qw(

# Limit parallel connections to 4
my $max_conn = 4;

# User agent following up to 5 redirects
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent
    ->new(max_redirects => 5)

# Keep track of active connections
my $active = 0;

    0 => sub {
        for ($active + 1 .. $max_conn) {

            # Dequeue or halt if there are no active crawlers anymore
            return ($active or Mojo::IOLoop->stop)
                unless my $url = shift @urls;

            # Fetch non-blocking just by adding
            # a callback and marking as active
            $ua->get($url => \&get_callback);

# Start event loop if necessary
Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

sub get_callback {
    my (undef, $tx) = @_;

    # Deactivate

    # Parse only OK HTML responses
        if not $tx->res->is_status_class(200)
        or $tx->res->headers->content_type !~ m{^text/html\b}ix;

    # Request URL
    my $url = $tx->req->url;

    say $url;
    parse_html($url, $tx);


sub parse_html {
    my ($url, $tx) = @_;

    say $tx->res->dom->at('html title')->text;

    # Extract and enqueue URLs
    for my $e ($tx->res->dom('a[href]')->each) {

        # Validate href attribute
        my $link = Mojo::URL->new($e->{href});
        next if 'Mojo::URL' ne ref $link;

        # "normalize" link
        $link = $link->to_abs($tx->req->url)->fragment(undef);
        next unless grep { $link->protocol eq $_ } qw(http https);

        # Don't go deeper than /a/b/c
        next if @{$link->path->parts} > 3;

        # Access every link only once
        state $uniq = {};
        next if ++$uniq->{$link->to_string} > 1;

        # Don't visit other hosts
        next if $link->host ne $url->host;

        push @urls, $link;
        say " -> $link";
    say '';


LWP::UserAgent takes arguments to post as either ref to array or ref to hash format.

$ua->post( $url, \%form )
$ua->post( $url, \@form )

which you provide in the first script in the ref to array format "\@form"

my $response = $ua->post( $url, ['apikey' => $key, 'resource' => $md5] );

being as it is a hash this is probably better written in the hash format "\%form"

my $response = $ua->post( $url, {'apikey' => $key, 'resource' => $md5} );

In Mojo::UserAgent the arguments to post are a little more complex, but essentially appear to be a "string" of hash refs to hash keys, with which I am unfamiliar. However you may find using the hash ref format provides the expected arguments correctly.


my $tx = $ua->post('');
my $tx = $ua->post('' => {DNT => 1} => 'Hi!');
my $tx = $ua->post('' => {DNT => 1} => form => {a => 'b'});
my $tx = $ua->post('' => {DNT => 1} => json => {a => 'b'});

try this ?:

$response_vt = $ua->post( $url => form => {'apikey' => $key, 'resource' => $md5} => sub {... });