I have created a custom ConfigurationElement
and ConfigurationSection
to make it easier to set up a host of application parameters at startup. However, I'd really like to unit test this logic.
public class ServiceConnection : ConfigurationElement
[ConfigurationProperty("locationNumber", IsRequired = true)]
public string LocationNumber
get { return (string) base["locationNumber"]; }
set { base["locationNumber"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("hostName", IsRequired = true)]
public string HostName
get { return (string) base["hostName"]; }
set { base["hostName"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("port", IsRequired = true)]
public int Port
get { return (int) base["port"]; }
set { base["port"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("environment", IsRequired = true)]
public string Environment
get { return (string) base["environment"]; }
set { base["environment"] = value.ToUpper(); }
internal string Key
get { return string.Format("{0}|{1}", LocationNumber, Environment); }
ServiceConnection Collection
[ConfigurationCollection(typeof(ServiceConnection), AddItemName = "service", CollectionType = ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap)]
public class ServiceConnectionCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
return new ServiceConnection();
protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
return ((ServiceConnection) element).Key;
public ServiceConnection Get(string locationNumber, string environment = "PRODUCTION")
return (ServiceConnection) BaseGet(string.Format("{0}|{1}", locationNumber, environment));
public ServiceConnection this[int index]
get { return (ServiceConnection)BaseGet(index); }
if (BaseGet(index) != null)
BaseAdd(index, value);
Some Test XML
<service locationNumber="0AB0" hostName="DEVSERVER" port="1234" environment="DEVELOPMENT" />
<service locationNumber="0AB0" hostName="BETASERVER" port="1234" environment="BETA" />
<service locationNumber="0AB0" hostName="PRODSERVER" port="1234" environment="PRODUCTION" />
In my production code, I'm using ConfigurationManager
to retrieve the ServiceConnection
but am not sure how to create a test that bypasses the manager altogether.
I'm looking to retrieve a ServiceConnection object and make sure all the fields match the input that I set up in the test XML. I'd also like to test functionality when a user failed to populate one or more of the fields.
Well, I ended up simply going with what @CodeCaster suggested and using ConfigurationManager
anyway (as suggested by his link here).
I've posted a sample test below:
public void ShouldProvideFullProductionServiceConnectionRecord()
//NOTE: Open ConfigTests.config in this project to see available ServiceConnection records
ExeConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap { ExeConfigFilename = "ConfigTests.config" };
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(fileMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
ServiceConnectionSection section = config.GetSection("AutomationPressDataCollectionServiceConnections") as ServiceConnectionSection;
var productionSection = section.Connections.Get("0Q8");
Assert.AreEqual("0AB0", productionSection.LocationNumber);
Assert.AreEqual("DEVSERVER", productionSection.HostName);
Assert.AreEqual(1234, productionSection.Port);
Assert.AreEqual("DEVELOPMENT", productionSection.Environment);
It requires you add a new .Config
file and set its output as Content
and set to Copy if Newer
(it's in a unit test project). But it's better than having no coverage at all.