Upsert embedded document in yiimongodbsuite

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-04 10:23:12

You are inheriting from wrong class. To save document you must inherit from EMongoDocument not EMongoEmbeddedDocument. These classes are similar but have different purpose.

  • EMongoEmbeddedDocument Is for embedded documents only, it should be used only for embedded documents
  • EMongoDocument extends from EMongoEmbeddedDocument with methods to actually save data to db.

For array of comments, you have two options:

  1. Use plain php array - simple less maintanable, less power, erron prone..
  2. Use array of embedded documents - each comment is document, so can be validated, has rigid structure etc.

By default save/insert/update stores all attributes. For partial updates use combination of $attributes and set $modify to true. Warning: Passing array of attributes without $modify will store only passed attributes, discarding rest of document.

public function save($runValidation = true, $attributes = null)
public function insert(array $attributes = null)
public function update(array $attributes = null, $modify = false)

So in your case you can update like that:

$model->update(array('comments'), true);

Or if it's ok for you to ovverride whole document just save:


Note: for composite pk ovverride primaryKey():

public function primaryKey()
    return array('title', 'userid');

Uh, good that stackoverflow have drafts autosave feature:)

Finally I got solution in this way:

       $rec = $model->find($criteria)  ;

       foreach($rec->edits as  $editarray){
        $edits_new= new Medithtml();

        $rec->update(array('edits'  ), true);