How do you have a default Gravatar that is external and that actually resizes properly?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-04 10:10:34

Gravatar will not resize your default image for you. I assume that it just 302s to the ulr gave as a default if it does not find an gravatar for the email you gave it. It looks like the 's' parameter in the iconfinder url is for the size you are trying to grab but that icon does not have a size of 50px available only 128, 256, and 512


If you wanted a 50px and 80px versions of the icon I would save it to your applications public/image directory as default_gravatar_50.png and default_gravatar_80.png respectively and change your method like so.


def gravatar_for(user, options = {})
  options = { :size => 50 }.merge(options)
  options[:default] = image_tag("default_gravatar_#{options[:size]}.png
                     :alt => user.full_name,
                     :class => 'gravatar',
                     :gravatar => options)

Or if you find an icon on icon finder that is the size(s) you like change the setting of the default option like so.

options[:default] = "{options[:size]}"

Iconfinder here. You don't want to link to the download script. Instead just grab the URL to the image it self so you wan't get a lot of header information.
