Imagick (Imagemagick) Defect in Debian Sqeeze (6)

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-04 09:38:24

One solution seems to be to downgrade imagemagick:

There's a debian bug (#638409) opened about this, seems to be caused by imagemagick's use of openmp:

Since we have this problem ourselves, we will be trying both solutions shortly :)

As mentioned by cosimo above it is a known but. I found an elegant solution by recompiling the packages without the openmp-extension according to A.M. Popa (for Debian) and J. Jarolim (for Ubuntu). Assuming you had installed imagemagick before:

$ apt-get buil-dep imagemagick
$ apt-get source imagemagick
$ cd imagemagick-
$ sudo vi debian/rules

add ~ line 39 --disable-openmp:


Rebuild the package and reinstall:

$ dpkg-buildpackage -b
$ cd ..
$ dpkg -i libmagickcore3* libmagickwand3*

Also try GMagick, minimal modifications on source and cool new features.
