How can I dynamically access a field of a field of a structure in MATLAB?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-04 08:49:46

You would have to split the dynamic field accessing into two steps for your example, such as:

>> field1 = 'midlevel';
>> field2 = 'bottomlevel';
>> value = toplevel.(field1).(field2)

value =


However, there is a way you can generalize this solution for a string with an arbitrary number of subfields delimited by periods. You can use the function TEXTSCAN to extract the field names from the string and the function GETFIELD to perform the recursive field accessing in one step:

>> fieldnameToAccess = 'midlevel.bottomlevel';
>> fields = textscan(fieldnameToAccess,'%s','Delimiter','.');
>> value = getfield(toplevel,fields{1}{:})

value =
