How to import node module in React-Kotlin?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-04 08:47:40

I have been struggling with this problem for days now. I came up with the following solution. First we will see multiple ways to declare external modules, then I will show how to use them .

Consider the following javascript code

import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button' // this means button is exported as default

This will be imported in kotlin in the following ways



package com.mypckage.mykillerapp

import react.Component
import react.RProps
import react.RState
import react.ReactElement

// way 1
@JsName("default") // because it was exported as default
external val Button : RClass<RProps>

// way 2
external class Button : Component<RProps,RState> {
    override fun render(): ReactElement?

But again, if the statement intend for kotlin has to match the javascript import statement bellow,

import { Button } from "material-ui" // not exported as default

We use the following approach: Button.kt


package com.mypckage.mykillerapp

import react.Component
import react.RProps
import react.RState
import react.ReactElement

// way 1
@JsName("Button") // because it was exported as default
external val Button : RClass<RProps>

// way 2
external class Button : Component<RProps,RState> {
    override fun render(): ReactElement?

once you have declared on how to use your components, you can just use them as follows:

//way 1:

fun RBuilder.render() {
    div {
        Button {

//way 2:
fun RBuilder.render() {
    div {
        child(Button::class) {

great. you have imported your component. But until then your are not relying on kotlin type safety and even code completion, to achieve that, you have to go to extra length

as shown bellow

external interface ButtonProps: RProps {
    var className : String
    var onClick: (Event?)->Unit
    var color: String
    // . . .
    var href: String

then go ahead and declare your button as

@JsName("default") // because it was exported as default
external val Button : RClass<ButtonProps>

and you can now use it with type safety and code completion as shown bellow

fun RBuilder.render() {
    div {
        Button {
            attrs {
                className = "submit-button"
                onClick = {
                    window.alert("Vois La")   

Hope this helps. Happy coding

The Kotlin way for importing dependencies is close to standard JS importing:

import React from 'react';

export function Welcome(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

Based on Creating a simple React component with Kotlin.

package hello

import react.*
import react.dom.*

fun RBuilder.hello(name: String) {
    h1 {
        +"Hello, $name"

Usually (as Kotlin is Java-based) it uses Gradle tool to handle dependencies:

// part of build.gradle
kotlinFrontend {
    // ...

    npm {
        // ...


        // ...

And are referenced like above:



import kotlinx.html.*
import org.jetbrains.demo.thinkter.model.*
import react.*
import react.dom.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.launch



package org.jetbrains.demo.thinkter

import react.*

private val ReactMarkdown: dynamic = runtime.wrappers.require("react-markdown")

Based on: kotlin-fullstack-sample

In create-react-kotlin-app additionally faced the possibility of importing with @JsModule() annotation, while dependencies managing is handled in standard way via package.json:

// src/logo/Logo.kt (outcome of creating new app)
package logo

import react.*
import react.dom.*
import kotlinext.js.*

external val reactLogo: dynamic
external val kotlinLogo: dynamic

And can be also successfully used for JS libraries importing.

Another way would be to use kotlinext.js.*:

// index/index.kt

import kotlinext.js.*

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    requireAll(require.context("src", true, js("/\\.css$/")))

    // ...

Which provides also require(module: String) function.
