Pickling an enum exposed by Boost.Python

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-04 08:01:57

Not as they are in the module. I am given to understand that this is SUPPOSED to be possible, but the way the enum_ statement works prevents this.

You can work around this on the python side. Somewhere (probably in a __init__.py file) do something like this:

import yourmodule

def isEnumType(o):
    return isinstance(o, type) and issubclass(o,int) and not (o is int)

def _tuple2enum(enum, value):
    enum = getattr(yourmodule, enum)
    e = enum.values.get(value,None)
    if e is None:
        e = enum(value)
    return e

def _registerEnumPicklers(): 
    from copy_reg import constructor, pickle
    def reduce_enum(e):
        enum = type(e).__name__.split('.')[-1]
        return ( _tuple2enum, ( enum, int(e) ) )
    constructor( _tuple2enum)
    for e in [ e for e in vars(yourmodule).itervalues() if isEnumType(e) ]:
        pickle(e, reduce_enum)


This will make everything pickle just fine.
