Stock candlestick drawing issues with geom_boxplot (R)

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-04 07:53:48

There are more efficient ways to create OHLC candlesticks with ggplot2 than the way you have described using geom_boxplot. Your code seems very similar to the example in the link:

It seems many people are putting ggplot candlestick examples on the net that are based on the example in that link using geom_boxplot. But the problem with plotting with geom_boxplot is that the plotting itself gets slow at producing plots as the number of bars plotted increases.

Here is one computationally faster solution for plotting financial data using candlesticks/OHLC bars:

FOSL <- getSymbols("FOSL", from="2015-01-01", auto.assign=FALSE)
names(FOSL) <- gsub("^.+\\.","",names(FOSL))  # remove "FOSL." from column names

rng <- "2015-08"
FOSL <- FOSL[rng]
FOSL <- data.frame(Date=as.POSIXct(index(FOSL)), FOSL[,1:4])

FOSL$chg <- ifelse(Cl(FOSL) > Op(FOSL), "up", "dn")
FOSL$width <- as.numeric(periodicity(FOSL)[1])
FOSL$flat_bar <- FOSL[, "High"] == FOSL[, "Low"]

# Candle chart:
pl <- ggplot(FOSL, aes(x=Date))+
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin=Low, ymax=High)) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title="FOSL") +
  geom_rect(aes(xmin = Date - width/2 * 0.9, xmax = Date + width/2 * 0.9, ymin = pmin(Open, Close), ymax = pmax(Open, Close), fill = chg)) + guides(fill = FALSE, colour = FALSE) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("dn" = "darkred", "up" = "darkgreen"))

# Handle special case of drawing a flat bar where OHLC = Open:
if (any(FOSL$flat_bar)) pl <- pl + geom_segment(data = FOSL[FOSL$flat_bar,], aes(x = Date - width / 2 * 0.9, y = Close, yend = Close, xend = Date + width / 2 * 0.9))


Thank you FXQuantTrader for introducing a beautiful and fast alternative approach to the candlestick bars in R! Awesome, concise, easy to read! Here comes a bit improved version of FXQuantTrader's solution, which include:
  - wraps it into a function
  - supports lower resolution (down to 1 sec bars)
  - changes candle's whiskers colour from black to proper one
  - adds small horizontal line for bars with Close == Open
  - adds 3rd colour (blue) to bars with Close == Open
  - adds 'alpha' argument which allows you to make the whole candlesticks chart more transparent, so when you draw on top some Bollinger Bands and/or Moving Averages the bars will be less distracting (more like a background)
- a bit more comments for newbies to figure out what is going on :)

Here she comes:

draw_candles <- function(df, title_param, alpha_param = 1){
  df$change <- ifelse(df$Close > df$Open, "up", ifelse(df$Close < df$Open, "down", "flat"))

  # originally the width of the bars was calculated by FXQuantTrader with use of 'periodicity()', which 
  # seems to work ok only with: ‘minute’,‘hourly’, ‘daily’,‘weekly’, ‘monthly’,
  # ‘quarterly’, and ‘yearly’, but can not do 1 sec bars while we want arbitrary bar size support!-)
  # df$width <- as.numeric(periodicity(df)[1])
  # So let us instead find delta (seconds) between 1st and 2nd row and just 
  # use it for all other rows. We check 1st 3 rows to avoid larger "weekend gaps"
  width_candidates <- c(as.numeric(difftime(df$Date[2], df$Date[1]), units = "secs"), 
                        as.numeric(difftime(df$Date[3], df$Date[2]), units = "secs"), 
                        as.numeric(difftime(df$Date[4], df$Date[3]), units = "secs"))

  df$width_s = min(width_candidates)  # one (same) candle width (in seconds) for all the bars

  # define the vector of candle colours either by name or by rgb()
  #candle_colors = c("down" = "red", "up" = "green", "flat" = "blue")
  candle_colors = c("down" = rgb(192,0,0,alpha=255,maxColorValue=255), "up" = rgb(0,192,0,alpha=255,maxColorValue=255), "flat" = rgb(0,0,192,alpha=255,maxColorValue=255))

  # Candle chart:
  g <- ggplot(df, aes(x=Date))+
    geom_linerange(aes(ymin=Low, ymax=High, colour = change), alpha = alpha_param) +  # candle whiskerss (vertical thin lines:)
    theme_bw() +
    labs(title=title_param) +
    geom_rect(aes(xmin = Date - width_s/2 * 0.9, xmax = Date + width_s/2 * 0.9, ymin = pmin(Open, Close), ymax = pmax(Open, Close), fill = change), alpha = alpha_param) +                            # cabdke body
    guides(fill = FALSE, colour = FALSE) +
    scale_color_manual(values = candle_colors) +  # color for line
    scale_fill_manual(values = candle_colors)     # color for candle fill  

    # Handle special cases: flat bar and Open == close:
    if (any(df$change == "flat")) g <- g + geom_segment(data = df[df$change == "flat",], aes(x = Date - width_s / 2 * 0.9, y = Close, yend = Close, xend = Date + width_s / 2 * 0.9, colour = change), alpha = alpha_param)


Could not completely understand your problem but this seems to work nicely:

I created a package generating candlestick chart with the possibility of further extension.

From help:

Plots OHLC chart



time_series: A data frame with c('Time', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close') columns where Time column must be of POSIXct type.

chart_title: An optional string with main chart title

under_candles_layers: A vector of ggplot layers to print under candles

Working example how to use:

 # Plotting a chart and saving it from a string:

 raw_data <- "
 Time Open High Low Close
 2018-08-30 7050.267 7068.232 6740.648 6985.976
 2018-08-31 6982.225 7075.417 6915.935 7046.783
 2018-09-01 7040.911 7257.571 7030.790 7193.122
 2018-09-02 7203.630 7314.289 7136.561 7277.199
 2018-09-03 7286.205 7334.481 7201.419 7255.241
 2018-09-04 7269.067 7394.179 7251.269 7364.443
 2018-09-05 7365.232 7391.967 6704.715 6704.715
 2018-09-06 6715.508 6715.508 6365.000 6503.564
 2018-09-07 6514.690 6544.672 6378.351 6446.210
 2018-09-08 6426.220 6485.850 6147.691 6203.588
 2018-09-09 6202.271 6417.675 6178.907 6260.216
 2018-09-10 6270.848 6351.214 6263.048 6317.647
 2018-09-11 6320.536 6391.365 6241.453 6289.961
 2018-09-12 6296.140 6349.481 6238.578 6339.010
 2018-09-13 6345.973 6525.523 6337.746 6498.652
 2018-09-14 6488.631 6583.669 6428.993 6492.367
 2018-09-15 6488.870 6561.979 6480.306 6524.671"
 data_for_chart <- read.table(text = raw_data, header = TRUE)
 data_for_chart <- transform(data_for_chart, Time = as.POSIXct(Time))
 plot <- prettyCandlePlot(data_for_chart, 'BTCUSD')

   plot = plot,
   width = 30,
   height = 18,
   units = 'cm'