I am setting up my Karma configuration file, but I do not fully understand some of options that exist as I am not having success testing templates that have ran through the ngHtml2JsPreprocessor and have been
Inside of the ngHtml2JsPreprocessor I can add a few key value properties involving paths.
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
stripPrefix: ".*/Went all the way back to the root of my application/",
// moduleName: 'templatesCached'//
I commented out the templates for now to make sure that I am getting access to each file as module. I am loading the modules with no error. I can find the templateCached version in my dev tools.
My Templates folder sits outside the basepath I created.
basePath: 'Scripts/',
I have it referenced inside the preprocessors object
preprocessors: {
'../Templates/**/*.html' : ['ng-html2js']
Again all of my templates are now js files and cached.
I inside of my package.json I saved the files as
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.2.2",
"karma-jasmine": "^0.2.2",
"karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor": "^0.2.1",
I referenced my installs in the plugins.
plugins: [
I have all of my files loaded
files: [
//jquery libaries
// angular libraries
// Scripts files
// source app.js
// tests folder and files
My tests are running off of Karma start
However, my directive is just an empty string
returns ""
I have bard inject set up
Here is the inside of my beforeEach
bard.mockService(haConfig, {
getTemplateUrl: '/tst!'
//bard.mockService(haConfig, {});
console.log('ha config2', haConfig.getTemplateUrl());
var html = angular.element("<div explore-hero></div>");
scope = $rootScope.$new();
element = $compile(html)(scope);
console.log('missing text',haConfig.getTemplateUrl(html));
controller = element.scope();
console.log("element", element);
I have no idea why I am getting an empty string back. I am creating the html file but, nothing is inside of it.
All I can wonder if I should have the the templatesCached files showing up in a folder on my dev tools? Also whether or not the files should be referenced inside of the files array inside karma.conf.js
Right now I have the html files referenced? I have tried the js files but that did not seem to do anything
The problem was actually quite simple fix. I was tempted to delete it but, in case someone has a similar issue I want this to be available.
Inside the karma.conf.js I have a
stripPrefix: 'rootDirectory' // was already in place
stripSuffix: '.js.html' // I had to make a strip on the templatesCached
prependSuffix: '.html' // this is what I was searching for
When the preprocessor ran it templateCached all of my files. However, they did not end the way that I was expecting them and I could not read them. I had the module and other parts set up correctly.