adb doesn't run on Ubuntu 64 - command not found

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-04 07:36:18

I found the solution. I investigated again if I really got ia32-libs installed. On a first glance, it looked fine in aptitude. However, on a second glance I noticed that the ia32-libs package was installed, but not all dependencies. I was not able to resolve that with aptitude, but instead I had to remove ia32-libs with KDE package manager and install it again. Now, all missing 88 dependencies were installed, too. adb is now working fine.

I'm not 100% sure why aptitude failed here, but I suspect that it is suffering from this bug on my installation, too: I also have duplicate entries in aptitude for all entries.

Add platform-tools to environmental variable,for that

Append the following line to last of the /home/yourUserName/.bashrc file in your home folder..

export PATH="your/path/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/:${PATH}"

Run 'chown' on the android sdk folder to make your user account the owner of the folder. It sounds like it's owned by the root user at the moment. I can't remember the syntax, but there'll be plenty of examples online.
