Event handlers in Paper.js

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-04 06:31:26
Alex Blackwood

You can bind multiple event handlers using the attach() method (or its jQuery-style alias, on()). You can remove them with detach() or off(). Here's a modified example from the event handling documentation:

// Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
var path = new Path.Circle({
    center: view.center,
    radius: 25,
    fillColor: 'black'

var shiftPath = function() {
    this.position += new Point(15,15);

// When the mouse enters the item, set its fill color to red:
path.attach('mouseenter', function() {
    this.fillColor = 'red';

path.on('mouseenter', shiftPath);

// When the mouse leaves the item, set its fill color to black
// and remove the mover function:
path.on('mouseleave', function() {
    this.fillColor = 'black';
    path.detach('mouseenter', shiftPath);

If you want to set an event handler for all instances of a type of object, it's best to create a factory function, as per this answer.

I'm new to Paperjs, but here is what I think:

  • How to bind event handler to particular canvas?

The scope is automatically associated to a canvas when you specify your canvas to a script:

<script type="text/paperscript" src="js/myScript.js" canvas="myCanvas"></script>

Each instruction of this script will be associated to this canvas.

  • How to bind event handler to particular "object" (raster image, rectangle, etc)?

Depending on is type each "object" have is sets of events handlers available. The reference page will give you all the events handlers for each type of objects.

  • How to bind multiple event handlers to something?

For example PathItem have a click event and a double click event.

var path = new Path.Circle();

path.onClick = function(event) {
    this.fillColor = 'red';

path.onDoubleClick = function(event) {
    this.fillColor = 'green';