C++: what benefits do string streams offer?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-04 06:22:24

You can use string streams to convert anything that implements operator << to a string:

#include <sstream>

template<typename T>
std::string toString(const T& t)
  std::ostringstream stream;
  stream << t;

  return stream.str();

or even

template <typename U, typename T>
U convert(const T& t)
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << t;

  U u;
  stream >> u;

  return u;

I use them mostly as memory buffers, in creating messages:

if(someVector.size() > MAX_SIZE)
    ostringstream buffer;
    buffer << "Vector should not have " << someVector.size() << " eleements";
    throw std::runtime_error(buffer.str());

or to construct complex strings:

std::string MyObject::GenerateDumpPath()
    using namespace std;

    std::ostringstream      dumpPath;

    // add the file name
    dumpPath << "\\myobject."
        << setw(3) << setfill('0') << uniqueFileId
        << "." << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(state)
        << "_" << ymd.year 
        << "." << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ymd.month.as_number()
        << "." << ymd.day.as_number()
        << "_" << time.hours() 
        << "." << time.minutes() 
        << "." << time.seconds()
        << ".xml";

    return dumpPath.str();

It is useful because it brings all the extensibility of std::streams to using character buffers (ostreams extensibility and locales support, buffer memory management is hidden and so on).

Another example I've seen was the error reporting in gsoap library, using dependency injection: soap_stream_fault takes an ostream& parameter to report error messages in.

If you want you can pass it std::cerr, std::cout or an std::ostringstream implementation (I use it with a std::ostringstream implementation).

They can be used anywhere a normal stream can be used.

So in situations where you were reading from a file you could potentially read from a string stream.

void compile(std::istream& str)
    CPlusPlusLexer   lexer(str);
    CPlusPlusParser  parser(lexer);
    BackEnd          backend(parser);


int main()
    std::fstream   file("Plop.cpp");

    std::stringstream  test("#include <iostream>\n int main() { std::cout << \"H World\n\";}");
Sergei Kurenkov

Besides advantages there is one point to carefully consider if you use gcc 4.3.1. I didn't checked preceding versions of gcc.
