Which (third-party) debug visualizers for Visual Studio 2005/2008 do you use?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-04 05:50:57

I use Mole.

Mole was designed to not only allow the developer to view objects or data, but to also allow the developer to drill into properties of those objects and then edit them. Mole allows unlimited drilling into objects and sub-objects.

Also check out Xml Visualizer v.2 (http://codeplex.com/XmlVisualizer)

There was a sample on an MSDN blog for the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix, I think it was. I later made my own, but it was still good.

Since I do a lot with Graphics and GDI, I found the Graphic Debug Visualizer invaluable. The Bitmap Visualizer it is based on is good too, however I had to recompile it for Visual Studio 2008 (and change the references to the various VisualStudio extension dll's).
