We can get text extract of different pages in a single wiki api call by using pipe character ( | ).
For eg : http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&exlimit=max&explaintext&exintro&titles=Yahoo|Google&redirects=
By using this api call, we can get datas about Google and Yahoo in text format. Here we get datas of both Google and Yahoo in a single api call.
I want to get image urls of both Google and Yahoo in a single wiki api call. Is there any method to get all image urls of different pages in a single wiki api call?
Yes, just switch prop=extracts
to prop=images
. Works exactly the same way:
The full documentation is here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Properties
To get the url of an image, use prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url
for the corresponding file page.
Finally, you can combine it all in one single request, by using the prop=images
result as a generator for the prop=imageinfo
There are some warning because you are missing the format=json. So the correct is