Can't add crosswalk with ionic cli 1.3.2

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-04 05:20:51

The problem is crosswalk browser.

If you revert back to android webview, which sucks, but works.

ionic browser revert android
ionic platform rm android
ionic platform add android

As of today, 4/9/2015. I have been able to go back to the old projects and add crosswalk after updating node runtime, ionic, cordova

Before running ionic run android have you tried adding a directory named www?

It seems that by entering ionic platform add android, it installs the platform from the npm and the latest cordova-android version, which is.... 3.7.1 (currently)

Cordova-android 4.0 is still beta, but there's good news for those who wish to install it. You can download the 4.0 version directly from the apache github repository:

ionic platform add

There are more bugs along that road, but at least it's a working solution for that bug. It seems that apache still have plenty of issues with plugins compatibility, hopefully they'll overcome them in the next official release.


Download Intel XDK. This is just an unbelievable tool for developing mobile apps, Intel has really figured it out imo. Built in brackets, emulator, remote debugging, and most important: One button click to build apks with crosswalk for android. All you have to do is importing your www folder and you are good to go!

My app went from sluggish 5fps while scrolling to fully native feel in a click. I'm still in awe. :)
