I recently added two Android libraries through JitPack and I have the following error:
Duplicate files copied in APK META-INF/library_release.kotlin_module
I've cleared the cached and I've tried excluding the module using
exclude group: 'org.jetbrains'
exclude group: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin'
but neither seems to resolve the issue. Is there any way to stop the kotlin stdlib from being added through JitPack? Oddly, other libraries like DbFlow don't have this issue, though I don't see anything special about their setup (other than that it isn't through JitPack)
You should add this to the build.gradle
file of your app inside the android
packagingOptions {
exclude 'META-INF/library_release.kotlin_module'
As suggested in the post Kotlin M13 is out! by jetbrains
Make sure these .kotlin_module files are not stripped by your packaging process.
So, we can't use exclude
option to exclude this resource file from being generated.
As descripted in Kotlin M13 is out!, we should:
in Maven we use groupId and artifactId for module names, but you can say
in Gradle it’s project name + build task name, to customize:
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions.moduleName = "com.example.mymodule"
This is my configuration for Android
library project:
ext {
GROUP_ID = 'custom.group.id'
ARTIFACT_ID = 'artifactid'
android {
compileSdkVersion 25
buildToolsVersion "25.0.0"
compileOptions {
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += ['-module-name', "$GROUP_ID.$ARTIFACT_ID"]
defaultConfig {
buildTypes {
Resource file named META-INF/custom.group.id.artifactId.kotlin_module
will be generated instead of META-INF/library_release.kotlin_module
.No more duplicate files will be found.
After looking at other conflicts, it seems like the resolution is
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'META-INF/library_release.kotlin_module'
under android
in the app gradle.
This allows the apk to build