Remove all fragments from ViewPager populated by FragmentStatePagerAdapter

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-04 05:02:43
Alex Semeniuk

I guess the problem is in the fact that old fragments still reside in FragmentManager you use for your adapter. If this is the case all you have to do is remove all old fragments from the fragment manager.

So basically just execute the following code in the constructor of your adapter:

public fragmentAdapter(FragmentManager fragmentManager, String orientation, ArrayList<fireInfo> list) {
    if (fragmentManager.getFragments() != null) {
    //... your other code here

This line of code is unnecessary:


EDIT: It may be more correct to remove your fragments using FragmentTransaction:

    List<Fragment> fragments = fragmentManager.getFragments();
    if (fragments != null) {
        FragmentTransaction ft = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
        for (Fragment f : fragments) {
            //You can perform additional check to remove some (not all) fragments:
            if (f instanceof AddedByCurrentPagerAdapterFragment) { 

This will take some time for FragmentTransaction to be (asynchronously) performed.

All I needed to do was to re-assign the FragmentStatePagerAdapter.

This has been in place as can be seen in onActivityResult but what was masking the correct behaviour was my viewPager page indicator it was incrementing the pages e.g. if I had 2 pages on the viewPager and call the child actvity which will add one object on the arrayListOfObjects; the viewPager page indicator would show that I now have 2 plus three pages (5).

I had to reset the viewPage indicator in onActivityResult to have it determined by this new arrayListOfObjects just returned by the floating activity.
