I do use the pg_trgm
module in PostgreSQL to calculate similarity between two strings using trigrams. Particularly I use:
similarity(text, text)
Which returns returns a number that indicates how similar the two arguments are (between 0 and 1).
How can I perform similarity function (or equivalent) on Google BigQuery?
Try below. At least as a blueprint for enhancing
SELECT text1, text2, similarity FROM
// input table
(SELECT 'mikhail' AS text1, 'mikhail' AS text2),
(SELECT 'mikhail' AS text1, 'mike' AS text2),
(SELECT 'mikhail' AS text1, 'michael' AS text2),
(SELECT 'mikhail' AS text1, 'javier' AS text2),
(SELECT 'mikhail' AS text1, 'thomas' AS text2)
) ,
// input columns
text1, text2,
// output schema
"[{name: 'text1', type:'string'},
{name: 'text2', type:'string'},
{name: 'similarity', type:'float'}]
// function
"function(r, emit) {
var _extend = function(dst) {
var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
for (var i=0; i<sources.length; ++i) {
var src = sources[i];
for (var p in src) {
if (src.hasOwnProperty(p)) dst[p] = src[p];
return dst;
var Levenshtein = {
* Calculate levenshtein distance of the two strings.
* @param str1 String the first string.
* @param str2 String the second string.
* @return Integer the levenshtein distance (0 and above).
get: function(str1, str2) {
// base cases
if (str1 === str2) return 0;
if (str1.length === 0) return str2.length;
if (str2.length === 0) return str1.length;
// two rows
var prevRow = new Array(str2.length + 1),
curCol, nextCol, i, j, tmp;
// initialise previous row
for (i=0; i<prevRow.length; ++i) {
prevRow[i] = i;
// calculate current row distance from previous row
for (i=0; i<str1.length; ++i) {
nextCol = i + 1;
for (j=0; j<str2.length; ++j) {
curCol = nextCol;
// substution
nextCol = prevRow[j] + ( (str1.charAt(i) === str2.charAt(j)) ? 0 : 1 );
// insertion
tmp = curCol + 1;
if (nextCol > tmp) {
nextCol = tmp;
// deletion
tmp = prevRow[j + 1] + 1;
if (nextCol > tmp) {
nextCol = tmp;
// copy current col value into previous (in preparation for next iteration)
prevRow[j] = curCol;
// copy last col value into previous (in preparation for next iteration)
prevRow[j] = nextCol;
return nextCol;
var the_text1;
try {
the_text1 = decodeURI(r.text1).toLowerCase();
} catch (ex) {
the_text1 = r.text1.toLowerCase();
try {
the_text2 = decodeURI(r.text2).toLowerCase();
} catch (ex) {
the_text2 = r.text2.toLowerCase();
emit({text1: the_text1, text2: the_text2,
similarity: 1 - Levenshtein.get(the_text1, the_text2) / the_text1.length});
ORDER BY similarity DESC
This is light modification based on https://storage.googleapis.com/thomaspark-sandbox/udf-examples/pataky.js by @thomaspark