Error “Failed to OpenForBackup failed in Win32” when pulling microsoft/nanoserver container

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-04 04:15:34


I encounter the following error when attempting to pull the microsoft/nanoserver image. The download is successful. This error occurs during extraction of the image.

482ab31872a2: Download complete failed to register layer: re-exec error: exit status 1: output: Failed to OpenForBackup failed in Win32: open \?\C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\07bd46b89b4520e984bc0892bad2c955afec4b347f961ca6c31bfe5e30601806\Files\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts: Access is denied. (0x1f) \?\C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\07bd46b89b4520e984bc0892bad2c955afec4b347f961ca6c31bfe5e30601806\Files\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

This looks like a issue on the directory that the Windows image creates, but I can't figure out what permission the directory may need.

Here is my Docker version (Windows Containers):

Docker version


 Version:      1.13.0-rc2**

 API version:  1.25

 Go version:   go1.7.3

 Git commit:   1f9b3ef

 Built:        Wed Nov 23 17:40:58 2016

 OS/Arch:      windows/amd64


 Version:             1.13.0-rc2**

 API version:         1.25

 Minimum API version: 1.24

 Go version:          go1.7.3

 Git commit:          1f9b3ef

 Built:               Wed Nov 23 17:40:58 2016

 OS/Arch:             windows/amd64

 Experimental:        false

Here is the Docker command I am using to pull the image.

docker pull microsoft/nanoserver

Finally, here is the error message that after the image is downloaded and extracted:

This is a Windows 10 Professional workstation with build 14393 installed.


The answer to this problem was that a virus scan policy (MacAfee) was preventing access to the Windows image's host file. The policy was relaxed so that the host.dll process could have access to the directory. Once updated I had no problems pulling the nanonserver or aspnet images.


I had a similar error but The file exists instead of Access is denied.

My problem was that I had it in Windows containers mode.

Switching back to Linux fixed it for me.

