I've got third party C++ library in which some class methods use raw byte buffers. I'm not quite sure how to deal in Boost::Python with it.
C++ library header is something like:
class CSomeClass
int load( unsigned char *& pInBufferData, int & iInBufferSize );
int save( unsigned char *& pOutBufferData, int & iOutBufferSize );
In stuck with the Boost::Python code...
class_<CSomeClass>("CSomeClass", init<>())
.def("load", &CSomeClass::load, (args(/* what do I put here??? */)))
.def("save", &CSomeClass::save, (args(/* what do I put here??? */)))
How do I wrap these raw buffers to expose them as raw strings in Python?
You have to write, yourself, functions on your bindings that will return a Py_buffer object from that data, allowing your to either read-only (use PyBuffer_FromMemory
) or read-write (use PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory
) your pre-allocated C/C++ memory from Python.
This is how it is going to look like (feedback most welcome):
#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;
//I'm assuming your buffer data is allocated from CSomeClass::load()
//it should return the allocated size in the second argument
static object csomeclass_load(CSomeClass& self) {
unsigned char* buffer;
int size;
self.load(buffer, size);
//now you wrap that as buffer
PyObject* py_buf = PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory(buffer, size);
object retval = object(handle<>(py_buf));
return retval;
static int csomeclass_save(CSomeClass& self, object buffer) {
PyObject* py_buffer = buffer.ptr();
if (!PyBuffer_Check(py_buffer)) {
//raise TypeError using standard boost::python mechanisms
//you can also write checks here for length, verify the
//buffer is memory-contiguous, etc.
unsigned char* cxx_buf = (unsigned char*)py_buffer.buf;
int size = (int)py_buffer.len;
return self.save(cxx_buf, size);
Later on, when you bind CSomeClass
, use the static functions above instead of the methods load
and save
//I think that you should use boost::python::arg instead of boost::python::args
// -- it gives you better control on the documentation
class_<CSomeClass>("CSomeClass", init<>())
.def("load", &csomeclass_load, (arg("self")), "doc for load - returns a buffer")
.def("save", &csomeclass_save, (arg("self"), arg("buffer")), "doc for save - requires a buffer")
This would look pythonic enough to me.