I am having service where I want to use the $cookieStore module. It works fine, but when unit testing it breaks, and gives the error: "$cookieStoreProvider <- $cookieStore <- filtersService".
The service looks like this:
serviceModule.factory('filtersService', ['$rootScope', '$location', '$cookieStore', function($rootScope, $location, $cookieStore){
return {
getFilters: function(){...}
And the unit test service looks like this:
describe('filtersService tests', function(){
var filtersService;
beforeEach(inject(function(filtersService, urlService, $location){
filtersService = filtersService;
urlService = urlService;
it('test something', inject(function(filtersService, $location){
I have included angular-cookies in the karma test file.
Any idea why the code works when running, but unittests fails?
Karma Config File:
// Karma configuration
// Generated on Sun May 12 2013 16:57:21 GMT+0200 (CEST)
// base path, that will be used to resolve files and exclude
basePath = '../';
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files = [
// list of files to exclude
exclude = [
// test results reporter to use
// possible values: 'dots', 'progress', 'junit'
reporters = ['progress'];
// web server port
port = 9876;
// cli runner port
runnerPort = 9100;
// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
colors = true;
// level of logging
// possible values: LOG_DISABLE || LOG_ERROR || LOG_WARN || LOG_INFO || LOG_DEBUG
logLevel = LOG_INFO;
// enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch = true;
// Start these browsers, currently available:
// - Chrome
// - ChromeCanary
// - Firefox
// - Opera
// - Safari (only Mac)
// - PhantomJS
// - IE (only Windows)
browsers = ['Chrome'];
// If browser does not capture in given timeout [ms], kill it
captureTimeout = 60000;
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, it capture browsers, run tests and exit
singleRun = false;
From the comments above, it seems the dependency on 'ngCookies' is declared in a seperate module.
To fix this try declaring it in your service module:
var serviceModule = angular.app('App.services', ['ngCookies']);
This is the recommended way of fixing this.
If, for some reason, you could not change the serviceModule definition, you could also declare it again in your unit tests:
However i would recommend you change it in your code base so your serviceModule does not depend on your main App module for it to function properly.
I had a similar problem when using angular-cookies and angular-file-upload. I solved it this way:
First, I´ve checked all the dependencies on my app with
bower list
-bash-4.1$ bower list
bower check-new Checking for new versions of the project dependencies..
APPNAME#0.0.0 /home/git/APPNAME/test.git
├── angular#1.2.28 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
├─┬ angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 (latest is 0.13.2)
│ └── angular#1.2.28 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
├─┬ angular-cookies#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
│ └── angular#1.2.28 incompatible with 1.4.3 (1.4.3 available, latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333)
├─┬ angular-file-upload#1.2.0
│ └── angular#1.2.28 (1.2.29-build.592+sha.b041b66 available, latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333)
As you will see, bower tells me about the incompatibility between angular 1.2.28 and 1.4.3, then, we have a library problem. The same for angular-cookies and angular-file-upload.
After that, I just decided to clean all my bower_components dir with
rm -fr bower_components
and run a newbower install
to ensure all the libraries are "fresh-installed".
-bash-4.1$ rm -fr bower_components
-bash-4.1$ cd ..
-bash-4.1$ cd ..
-bash-4.1$ bower install
bower jquery#~1.11.0 cached git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#1.11.3
bower jquery#~1.11.0 validate 1.11.3 against git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#~1.11.0
bower es5-shim#~3.0.1 cached git://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim.git#3.0.2
bower es5-shim#~3.0.1 validate 3.0.2 against git://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim.git#~3.0.1
bower angular-resource#>=1.2.* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-resource.git#1.4.3
bower angular-resource#>=1.2.* validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-resource.git#>=1.2.*
bower angular-cookies#>=1.2.* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-cookies.git#1.4.3
bower angular-cookies#>=1.2.* validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-cookies.git#>=1.2.*
bower angular-sanitize#>=1.2.* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-sanitize.git#1.4.3
bower angular-sanitize#>=1.2.* validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-sanitize.git#>=1.2.*
bower bootstrap#~3.1.1 cached git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git#3.1.1
bower bootstrap#~3.1.1 validate 3.1.1 against git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git#~3.1.1
bower bootstrap-sass-official#~3.1.1 cached git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass.git#3.1.1+2
bower bootstrap-sass-official#~3.1.1 validate 3.1.1+2 against git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass.git#~3.1.1
bower lodash#~3.9.3 cached git://github.com/lodash/lodash.git#3.9.3
bower lodash#~3.9.3 validate 3.9.3 against git://github.com/lodash/lodash.git#~3.9.3
bower angular-socket-io#~0.6.0 cached git://github.com/btford/angular-socket-io.git#0.6.1
bower angular-socket-io#~0.6.0 validate 0.6.1 against git://github.com/btford/angular-socket-io.git#~0.6.0
bower angular-ui-router#~0.2.10 cached git://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router.git#0.2.15
bower angular-ui-router#~0.2.10 validate 0.2.15 against git://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router.git#~0.2.10
bower angular-bootstrap#~0.11.0 cached git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower.git#0.11.2
bower angular-bootstrap#~0.11.0 validate 0.11.2 against git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower.git#~0.11.0
bower textAngular#~1.4.1 cached git://github.com/fraywing/textAngular.git#1.4.3
bower textAngular#~1.4.1 validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/fraywing/textAngular.git#~1.4.1
bower angular-file-upload#~1.2.0 cached git://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload.git#1.2.0
bower angular-file-upload#~1.2.0 validate 1.2.0 against git://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload.git#~1.2.0
bower angular-mocks#>=1.2.* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-mocks.git#1.4.3
bower angular-mocks#>=1.2.* validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-mocks.git#>=1.2.*
bower angular-google-places-autocomplete#~0.2.7 cached git://github.com/kuhnza/angular-google-places-autocomplete.git#0.2.7
bower angular-google-places-autocomplete#~0.2.7 validate 0.2.7 against git://github.com/kuhnza/angular-google-places-autocomplete.git#~0.2.7
bower angular-scenario#>=1.2.* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-scenario.git#1.4.3
bower angular-scenario#>=1.2.* validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-scenario.git#>=1.2.*
bower json3#~3.3.1 cached git://github.com/bestiejs/json3.git#3.3.2
bower json3#~3.3.1 validate 3.3.2 against git://github.com/bestiejs/json3.git#~3.3.1
bower font-awesome#>=4.1.0 cached git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#4.4.0
bower font-awesome#>=4.1.0 validate 4.4.0 against git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#>=4.1.0
bower angular-google-maps#~2.1.5 cached git://github.com/angular-ui/angular-google-maps.git#2.1.5
bower angular-google-maps#~2.1.5 validate 2.1.5 against git://github.com/angular-ui/angular-google-maps.git#~2.1.5
bower angular#1.4.3 cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.4.3
bower angular#1.4.3 validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.4.3
bower font-awesome#>=4.0.x cached git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#4.4.0
bower font-awesome#>=4.0.x validate 4.4.0 against git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#>=4.0.x
bower rangy#~1.3.0 cached git://github.com/timdown/rangy-release.git#1.3.0
bower rangy#~1.3.0 validate 1.3.0 against git://github.com/timdown/rangy-release.git#~1.3.0
bower angular#~1.2.11 cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.2.28
bower angular#~1.2.11 validate 1.2.28 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#~1.2.11
bower angular resolution Unsuitable resolution declared for angular: 1.4.1
Unable to find a suitable version for angular, please choose one:
1) angular#~1.2.11 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-file-upload#1.2.0
2) angular#>=1 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-bootstrap#0.11.2
3) angular#>= 1.0.8 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-ui-router#0.2.15
4) angular#^1.2.6 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-socket-io#0.6.1
5) angular#^1.2.x which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7
6) angular#1.2 - 1.4 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-google-maps#2.1.5
7) angular#1.4.3 which resolved to 1.4.3 and is required by angular-cookies#1.4.3, angular-mocks#1.4.3, angular-resource#1.4.3, angular-sanitize#1.4.3, angular-scenario#1.4.3
8) angular#>=1.3.x which resolved to 1.4.3 and is required by textAngular#1.4.3
Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json
? Answer: 7!
bower asked me to choose between the versions for angular and I´ve chosen the 7th option, as it´s angular 1.4.3, the latest of the versions required in most of the components of my app. After that, bower did the installation, and linked angular 1.4.3 to all the bower_components that require it:
bower angular resolution Saved angular#1.4.3 as resolution
bower es5-shim#~3.0.1 install es5-shim#3.0.2
bower angular-sanitize#>=1.2.* install angular-sanitize#1.4.3
bower bootstrap-sass-official#~3.1.1 install bootstrap-sass-official#3.1.1+2
bower jquery#~1.11.0 install jquery#1.11.3
bower angular-resource#>=1.2.* install angular-resource#1.4.3
bower angular-cookies#>=1.2.* install angular-cookies#1.4.3
bower angular-bootstrap#~0.11.0 install angular-bootstrap#0.11.2
bower angular-ui-router#~0.2.10 install angular-ui-router#0.2.15
bower lodash#~3.9.3 install lodash#3.9.3
bower angular-socket-io#~0.6.0 install angular-socket-io#0.6.1
bower bootstrap#~3.1.1 install bootstrap#3.1.1
bower angular-google-places-autocomplete#~0.2.7 install angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7
bower textAngular#~1.4.1 install textAngular#1.4.3
bower angular-file-upload#~1.2.0 install angular-file-upload#1.2.0
bower json3#~3.3.1 install json3#3.3.2
bower angular-mocks#>=1.2.* install angular-mocks#1.4.3
bower rangy#~1.3.0 install rangy#1.3.0
bower angular-google-maps#~2.1.5 install angular-google-maps#2.1.5
bower font-awesome#>=4.0.x install font-awesome#4.4.0
bower angular#1.4.3 install angular#1.4.3
bower angular-scenario#>=1.2.* install angular-scenario#1.4.3
es5-shim#3.0.2 client/bower_components/es5-shim
angular-sanitize#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-sanitize
└── angular#1.4.3
bootstrap-sass-official#3.1.1+2 client/bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official
jquery#1.11.3 client/bower_components/jquery
angular-resource#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-resource
└── angular#1.4.3
angular-cookies#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-cookies
└── angular#1.4.3
angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 client/bower_components/angular-bootstrap
└── angular#1.4.3
angular-ui-router#0.2.15 client/bower_components/angular-ui-router
└── angular#1.4.3
lodash#3.9.3 client/bower_components/lodash
angular-socket-io#0.6.1 client/bower_components/angular-socket-io
└── angular#1.4.3
bootstrap#3.1.1 client/bower_components/bootstrap
└── jquery#1.11.3
angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7 client/bower_components/angular-google-places-autocomplete
└── angular#1.4.3
textAngular#1.4.3 client/bower_components/textAngular
├── angular#1.4.3
├── font-awesome#4.4.0
└── rangy#1.3.0
angular-file-upload#1.2.0 client/bower_components/angular-file-upload
└── angular#1.4.3
json3#3.3.2 client/bower_components/json3
angular-mocks#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-mocks
└── angular#1.4.3
rangy#1.3.0 client/bower_components/rangy
angular-google-maps#2.1.5 client/bower_components/angular-google-maps
├── angular#1.4.3
└── lodash#3.9.3
font-awesome#4.4.0 client/bower_components/font-awesome
angular#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular
angular-scenario#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-scenario
└── angular#1.4.3
And now, I run a
bower list
again, to check how the dependencies were now:
-bash-4.1$ bower list
bower check-new Checking for new versions of the project dependencies..
appName#0.0.0 /home/git/appName/test.git
├─┬ angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 (latest is 0.13.2)
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
├─┬ angular-cookies#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333)
├─┬ angular-file-upload#1.2.0
│ └── angular#1.4.3 incompatible with ~1.2.11 (1.2.29-build.592+sha.b041b66 available, latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333)
├─┬ angular-google-maps#2.1.5
│ ├── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
│ └── lodash#3.9.3 (3.10.1 available)
├─┬ angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
├─┬ angular-mocks#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
│ └── angular#1.4.3
├─┬ angular-resource#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
│ └── angular#1.4.3
├─┬ angular-sanitize#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
│ └── angular#1.4.3
├─┬ angular-scenario#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
│ └── angular#1.4.3
├─┬ angular-socket-io#0.6.1 (latest is 0.7.0)
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
├─┬ angular-ui-router#0.2.15
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
├─┬ bootstrap#3.1.1 (latest is 3.3.5)
│ └── jquery#1.11.3 (3.0.0-alpha1+compat available)
├── bootstrap-sass-official#3.1.1+2 (latest is 3.3.5)
├── es5-shim#3.0.2 (latest is 4.1.10)
├── font-awesome#4.4.0
├── jquery#1.11.3 (latest is 3.0.0-alpha1+compat)
├── json3#3.3.2
├── lodash#3.9.3 (latest is 3.10.1)
└─┬ textAngular#1.4.3
├── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available)
├── font-awesome#4.4.0
└── rangy#1.3.0
As you will see, I still see an incompatible dependency in angular-file-upload component. Then, I run into the component dir, and installed LOCALLY FOR THIS COMPONENT a new version of angular (the required one for the component itself):
-bash-4.1$ cd client/
-bash-4.1$ cd bower_components/
-bash-4.1$ cd angular-file-upload/
-bash-4.1$ bower install angular --save
bower angular#* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.4.3
bower angular#* validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#*
Unable to find a suitable version for angular, please choose one:
1) angular#~1.2.11 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-file-upload
2) angular#~1.4.3 which resolved to 1.4.3
Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json
? Answer: 1!
bower angular resolution Saved angular#~1.2.11 as resolution
After that, everything went ok and there was not more injection or dependency problems. Hope it may help you.
The OP created the interceptor using factory.. However, I was fixing some code and have seen the interceptor created as provider....
.provider('myHttpInterceptor', function
HttpInterceptorProvider($injector, _, apiConfig) {
var self = this;
In case you have a situation like this and stumbled onto this SO question, this here is how I solved my issue.
I tried plugging in the $cookieStore in the function and even tried using the $inject but I kept getting Unknown provider CookieStore (hence how I found this post)
The way I solved my issue was to find the $get method and throw in cookie store there.
this.$get = function($q, $cookieStore, myCache) {
return {
'request': function(config) {
in retrospect, this is quite consistent with the provider recipe documentation.