How do I parse a large data block into memory in Haskell?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-04 02:40:20

I first thought that just simply reading the whole chunk of bytestring and then unzipping the contents into unboxed vectors would be good enough. Indeed, the parsing code you posted would be rather bad even without the mysterious space leak: you copy the entirety of all three vectors on every single byte of the input! Talk about quadratic complexity.

So I wrote the following:

chunksOf3 :: [a] -> [(a, a, a)]
chunksOf3 (a:b:c:xs) = (a, b, c) : chunksOf3 xs
chunksOf3 _          = []

parseRGB :: Int -> Atto.Parser (Vector Word8, Vector Word8, Vector Word8)
parseRGB size = do
    input <- Atto.take (size * 3)
    let (rs, gs, bs) = unzip3 $ chunksOf3 $ B.unpack input
    return (V.fromList rs, V.fromList gs, V.fromList bs)

And then tested it with a 45 Mb file of random bytes. I admit I was surprised that this code resulted in gigabytes of RAM usage. I'm curious as to where exactly the space leaks.

Mutable vectors work well though. The following code uses 133 Mb RAM and Criterion benchmarks it to 60 ms file reading included. I included some explanations in the comments. There is also ample material on the ST monad and mutable vectors on SO and elsewhere (I concur though that the library documentations are unfriendly to beginners).

import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV

import Control.Monad.ST.Strict 
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq

-- benchmarking stuff
import Criterion.Main (defaultMainWith, bench, whnfIO)
import Criterion.Config (defaultConfig, Config(..), ljust)

-- This is just the part that parses the three vectors for the colors.
-- Of course, you can embed this into an Attoparsec computation by taking 
-- the current input, feeding it to parseRGB, or you can just take the right 
-- sized chunk in the parser and omit the "Maybe" test from the code below. 
parseRGB :: Int -> ByteString -> Maybe (Vector Word8, Vector Word8, Vector Word8)
parseRGB size input 
    | 3* size > B.length input = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ runST $ do

        -- We are allocating three mutable vectors of size "size"
        -- This is usually a bit of pain for new users, because we have to
        -- specify the correct type somewhere, and it's not an exactly simple type.
        -- In the ST monad there is always an "s" type parameter that labels the
        -- state of the action. A type of "ST s something" is a bit similar to
        -- "IO something", except that the inner type often also contains "s" as
        -- parameter. The purpose of that "s" is to statically disallow mutable
        -- variables from escaping the ST action. 
        [r, g, b] <- replicateM 3 $ size :: ST s [MV.MVector s Word8]

        -- forM_ = flip mapM_
        -- In ST code forM_ is a nicer looking approximation of the usual
        -- imperative loop. 
        forM_ [0..size - 1] $ \i -> do
            let i' = 3 * i
            MV.unsafeWrite r i (B.index input $ i'    )
            MV.unsafeWrite g i (B.index input $ i' + 1)
            MV.unsafeWrite b i (B.index input $ i' + 2)

        -- freeze converts a mutable vector living in the ST monad into 
        -- a regular vector, which can be then returned from the action
        -- since its type no longer depends on that pesky "s".
        -- unsafeFreeze does the conversion in place without copying.
        -- This implies that the original mutable vector should not be used after
        -- unsafeFreezing. 
        [r, g, b] <- mapM V.unsafeFreeze [r, g, b]
        return (r, g, b)

-- I prepared a file with 3 * 15 million random bytes.
inputSize = 15000000
benchConf = defaultConfig {cfgSamples = ljust 10}

main = do
    defaultMainWith benchConf (return ()) $ [
        bench "parseRGB test" $ whnfIO $ do 
            input <- B.readFile "randomInp.dat" 
            force (parseRGB inputSize input) `seq` putStrLn "done"

Here's a version which parses the file straight from the disk without loading any intermediate into memory:

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (anyWord8)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (decimal)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Attoparsec
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Control.Foldl (FoldM(..), impurely, vector, premapM) -- Uses `foldl-1.0.3`
import qualified Pipes.ByteString
import Pipes.Parse
import Pipes.Attoparsec (parse, parsed)
import qualified System.IO as IO

data PixelMap = PixelMap {
      width :: Int
    , height :: Int
    , redChannel :: Vector Word8
    , greenChannel :: Vector Word8
    , blueChannel :: Vector Word8
    } deriving (Show)

-- Fold three vectors simultaneously, ensuring strictness and efficiency
    :: FoldM IO (Word8, Word8, Word8) (Vector Word8, Vector Word8, Vector Word8)
rgbVectors =
    (,,) <$> premapM _1 vector <*> premapM _2 vector <*> premapM _3 vector
    _1 (a, b, c) = a
    _2 (a, b, c) = b
    _3 (a, b, c) = c

    :: Monad m
    => Producer ByteString m r
    -> Producer (Word8, Word8, Word8) m ()
triples p = void $ parsed ((,,) <$> anyWord8 <*> anyWord8 <*> anyWord8) p

-- I will probably ask Renzo to simplify the error handling for `parse`
-- This is a helper function to just return `Nothing`
    :: Monad m
    => Attoparsec.Parser r -> Parser ByteString m (Maybe r)
parse' parser = do
    x <- parse parser
    return $ case x of
        Just (Right r) -> Just r
        _              -> Nothing

parsePixelMap :: Producer ByteString IO r -> IO (Maybe PixelMap)
parsePixelMap p = do
    let parseWH = do
            mw <- parse' decimal
            mh <- parse' decimal
            return ((,) <$> mw <*> mh)
    (x, p') <- runStateT parseWH p
    case x of
        Nothing     -> return Nothing
        Just (w, h) -> do
            let size = w * h
                parser = impurely foldAllM rgbVectors
                source = triples (p' >-> Pipes.ByteString.take size)
            (rs, gs, bs) <- evalStateT parser source
            return $ Just (PixelMap w h rs gs bs)

main = IO.withFile "image.ppm" IO.ReadMode $ \handle -> do
    pixelMap <- parsePixelMap (Pipes.ByteString.fromHandle handle)
    print pixelMap

I tested it without the header logic on a 50 MB file and it runs in roughly the same amount of space.
