This is a literate haskell post. Simply save it as "ChurchList.lhs" to run it.
> {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
A Church encoded list is a way of representing a list via a function. It resembles both folding and continuation passing style.
> newtype ChurchList a = CList {runCList :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r}
For illustration as to how this corresponds to a list, here is a O(n) isomorphism
> fromList :: [a] -> ChurchList a
> fromList xs = CList $ \cons empty -> foldr cons empty xs
> toList :: ChurchList a -> [a]
> toList cl = runCList cl (:) []
> instance Show a => Show (ChurchList a) where
> show cl = "fromList " ++ show (toList cl)
These things have good performance charecteristics.
> singleton :: a -> ChurchList a -- O(1)
> singleton a = CList $ \cons empty -> a `cons` empty
> append :: ChurchList a -> ChurchList a -> ChurchList a -- O(1)!!! This also means cons and snoc are O(1)
> append cl1 cl2 = CList $ \cons empty -> runCList cl1 cons (runCList cl2 cons empty)
> concatCl :: ChurchList (ChurchList a) -> ChurchList a -- O(n)
> concatCl clcl = CList $ \cons empty -> runCList clcl (\cl r -> runCList cl cons r) empty
> headCl :: ChurchList a -> Maybe a -- O(1)
> headCl cl = runCList cl (\a _ -> Just a) Nothing
Now, the problem comes with tail
> tailClbad :: ChurchList a -> Maybe (ChurchList a) --O(n)?!!
> tailClbad cl = (fmap snd) $ runCList cl
> (\a r -> Just (a, case r of
> Nothing -> CList $ \cons empty -> empty
> Just (s,t) -> append (singleton s) t)) --Cons
> Nothing --Empty
Essentially what my implementation does is split the list into head and tail. Cons replaces the head, and appends the old head unto the tail. This is rather inefficient. It seems that Church Lists are inefficient in general at splitting.
I'm hoping that I'm wrong. Is there an implementation of tailCl
that is better than O(n) (preferably O(1)).
Paper Church Encoding of Data Types Considered Harmful for Implementations by Koopman, Plasmeijer and Jansen seems to deal with the issue in detail. In particular, quoting the abstract (my emphasis):
We show that in the Church encoding selectors of constructors yielding the recursive type, like the tail of a list, have an undesirable strictness in the spine of the data structure. The Scott encoding does not hamper lazy evaluation in any way. The evaluation of the recursive spine by the Church encoding makes the complexity of these destructors O(n). The same destructors in the Scott encoding requires only constant time. Moreover, the Church encoding has serious problems with graph reduction. The Parigot encoding combines the best of both worlds, but in practice this does not offer an advantage.
However, while Scott encoding provides the performance advantage, it appears to be problematic to define it in System F without adding recursive types.
Yes, it's O(n). A church encoded list is identified with its foldr function, which must do the same thing everywhere. Since getting the tail requires doing something for the first item, the same something must be done for all the remaining items.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype ChurchList a = CList { getFoldr :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r }
fromList :: [a] -> ChurchList a
fromList xs = CList $ \f z -> foldr f z xs
toList :: ChurchList a -> [a]
toList cl = getFoldr cl ((:)) []
Your solution is as productive as possible. The same solution can also be written trivially by building a list and matching on the first item.
safeTail :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeTail [] = Nothing
safeTail (_:xs) = Just xs
tailCtrivial :: ChurchList a -> Maybe (ChurchList a)
tailCtrivial = fmap fromList . safeTail . toList
No, not necessarily O(n):
Prelude> take 5 . snd . foldr (\a r-> (a:fst r,fst r)) ([], undefined) $ [1..]
It indeed adds O(1) overhead for each element ultimately produced.
Trying for the safetail
didn't work:
Prelude> fmap (take 5) . snd . foldr (\a r-> (fmap (a:) $ fst r,fst r)) (Just [], Nothing)
$ [1..]
tailCL cl = CList $ \k z-> snd $ runCList cl (\a r-> (a`k`fst r,fst r)) (z, undefined)
Prelude> take 5 . toList . tailCL . fromList $ [1..]
edit: followng the comment by @user3237465, it turns out that safetail
is possible after all:
Prelude> fmap (take 5) . snd . foldr (\a ~(r,_)-> (Just (a:fromJust r), r)) (Just [] , Nothing) $ [1..]
Just [2,3,4,5,6]
The reason it didn't work before is that Maybe
's fmap
forces its second argument to find out which case is it, but here we know that it is a Just
value, by construction. I could't put it as a definition for your type though, whatever I tried didn't pass the type checker.