I'm having troubles saving data in a "many-to-many" relationship.
Here are my models:
var CoursePeople = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'course_people'
var Course = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'course',
users: function(){
return this.belongsToMany(User);
var City = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'city',
users: function(){
return this.hasMany(User);
var User = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'people',
city: function(){
return this.belongsTo(City);
courses: function(){
return this.belongsToMany(Course);
The challenge is, how to insert IDs that I get in array to the junction table in my database (named "course_people")?
Here's my code so far:
app.post('/users/', function(req, res) {
var courses_ids = req.body.courses_ids; //array of ids
delete req.body.courses_ids;
new User(req.body).save().then(function(user){
//How to store the ids in the junction table?
Thank you again for your time and suggestions!
What you want to do here is attach the ids to your relation, like this:
app.post('/users/', function(req,
var courses_ids = req.body.courses_ids; //array of ids
delete req.body.courses_ids;
new User(req.body).save()
// this is important
return user.courses().attach(courses_ids);
It is also stated in the official docs: http://bookshelfjs.org/#Model-attach