I am translating a C# class that wraps an unmanaged library to F#. I have run into the seemingly simple problem of rewriting the destructor that follows.
class Wrapper {
// P/Invoke ellided
private SomeType x;
public Wrapper() {
x = new SomeType();
public ~Wrapper() {
The simplified F# code I have at this point is as follows:
type Wrapper() =
static let wrappedDll = "Library.dll"
[<DllImport(wrappedDll , EntryPoint = "Begin")>]
static extern void Begin()
[<DllImport(wrappedDll , EntryPoint = "End")>]
static extern void End()
let x = new SomeType()
How can I modify this F# code to have the same behaviour? My search for F# destructor turned up no results in the books I have or on the web.
Thank you.
Have you tried looking for F# finalizer?
override x.Finalize() = ...
namespace FSharp.Library
type MyClass() as self =
let mutable disposed = false;
// TODO define your variables including disposable objects
do // TODO perform initialization code
// internal method to cleanup resources
let cleanup(disposing:bool) =
if not disposed then
disposed <- true
if disposing then
// TODO dispose of managed resources
// TODO cleanup unmanaged resources
// implementation of IDisposable
interface IDisposable with
member self.Dispose() =
// override of finalizer
override self.Finalize() =
F# Class Library Template