Does Maven have a way to get a dependency version as a property?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-04 00:11:27


I'm using a BOM to import dependencies from another project to mine, and I need a way to reference a dependency's version that is already declared in said BOM. So far, I've attempted to list the dependency version as a property in the BOM, but this approach fails because properties don't get imported with BOMs.

I've seen where the Dependency Plugin's dependency:properties goal does almost exactly what I need, but instead of giving me a full path of the artifact I need the version as a property. Is there something out there that can give me the version of a resolved artifact as a property?

UPDATE - 'Why not use a parent pom?'

I commonly find myself working in application server environments, where the dependencies provided are specified with BOM artifacts (as it appears that this has become a somewhat common/standard way to distribute groups of inter-related artifacts, i.e. widlfly). As such, I want to treat the BOM as the single source of truth. The idea of doing something like re-delcaring a dependency version property that has already been defined in a BOM seems incorrect.

If I were to define properties in a parent pom that mirrored an application server's environment, I now have to worry about keeping parent pom properties and BOM properties in sync - why even have a BOM at all at that point?

The information is already available on the dependency tree, it's just a matter of exposing it...


Couldn't find any existing maven or plugin functionality for this, so I forked the old dependencypath-maven-plugin and altered it to use versions. Now I can drop in a plugin like this:


And access properties like this:




Check out the README for more info on how to use the plugin. It's available @ Maven Central:


... plugins all the way down ...


Short answer - yes, you can.

In details, your root pom.xml:


In modules pom.xml:


Also you can use ${slf4j.version} value to filter resources or in plugin configurations.


In case you cannot use properties in the parent POM, you can either

  • retreive all dependencies and their versions with dependency:list plugin; or
  • use together dependency:list + antrun:run plugin; or
  • configure CI server scripts to do it for you (e.g. with this example); or
  • write a custom plugin to handle your versions logic.


This maven plugin is on Github ( and it is a must for anyone dealing with Dependency versions, for instance when using Webjars dependencies - you can inject Webjar version numbers directly into your web resources.

I had been looking for such a functionality for a long time, I hope more people come across it and that it gets up on Maven central (I actually think it should come with Maven out of the box)

