How to parse an argument without a name with Ruby's optparse

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-03 23:29:26

First parse! with optparse, then scan the ARGV and raise if ARGV is empty. Like so:

filename = ARGV.pop
raise "Need to specify a file to process" unless filename

The mandatory filename will not be processed by the OptionParser and will be left for you in ARGV - if it's not there, just raise manually.


Just to follow up on what Julik and Shadowfirebird said: When parsing with OptionParser be aware that parse! and parse have different functionality. The former will remove every argument it understands out of the passed array where the latter will leave them be. This changes your conditions for determining if the required argument is present.

Although it doesn't apply to every situation, it is often nice to be able to process multiple files on a single command line, such as:

script.rb [options] file1 file2 ...

file1 is mandatory, but file2 and beyond is optional.

The best way I know to do this follows this convention:

options = {}
optparse = do |opts|
  opts.banner = "Usage: script.rb [options] file1 file2 ..."

  opts.on('-a', '--an-option ARG', 'Set some option') do |arg|
    options[:a] = arg


# Check required conditions
if ARGV.empty?
  puts optparse

If files are not provided, a help message will be displayed with the usage banner and a description of options. If the files are present, they will be the only thing left in ARGV.

I am not sure if it was added recently, but none of the previous answers mention that optparse.parse will return the ARGV value after removing the parsed options.

If you do this:

rest = optparse.parse!

You will get an array with the given file/s (along unknown options). This way you do not have to care if the options come before or after the file.


Optparse only does arguments with parameters, AFAIK. The "correct" way to handle your filename is to deal with it outside of optparse. I posted some example code for this in answer to this question.

BTW, that's a rather unusual commandline. If it's just for you, fine, but others are likely to find it rather counter-intuitive. It would be more normal to have: script.rb [options] <filename>...
