mod_rewrite to remove index.php from Codeigniter in subdirectory

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-03 21:40:25

The problem is the rules in public_html/.htaccess are rewriting the URL's going to /land/, you need a passthrough which makes it so nothing happens when /land/ is requested.Add:

RewriteRule ^land/ - [L]

before the rest of your rules.

Add a rule at the top to just go to the land subfolder if it's part of the request string. That way, the rules in /land/.htaccess will be executed instead of the subsequent rules in /.htaccess. So put this at the top:

RewriteRule ^land.*$ - [NC,L]

This will check if the request begins with 'land' and redirect it to the subdirectory, where .htaccess rules corresponding to that subdirectory will be applied instead.

The reason the existing rule checking for files and folders and not doing the rewrite if the request corresponds to one of them is because whatever follows 'land' in the request is probably not a real file, and so the rewrite rule fires.
