I have data of this form and I referred to this link pivoting in mongodb:
Name, SumPrice, type,year
A, 50.0, Retail,2015
B, 467.0, Online,2015
A, 1456.0, Direct,2015
B, 1149.53, Direct,2015
C, 273.20, Online,2014
C, 110.0, Direct,2014
I want data to be transformed using spring-data-mongodb of this form
Name ,Retail, Online , Direct, year
A, 50.0 , 0.0, 1456.0 2015
B, 0.0, 467.0, 1149.53, 2015
C, 0.0, 273.20, 110.0, 2014
Please lemme know how to do.