Invoking call hierarchy from eclipse plug in

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-03 21:26:30

Have a look at the OpenCallHierarchyAction class of the org.eclipse.jdt.ui.internal.callhierarchy Package. This is internal Eclipse source code, but the code in the run(ITextSelection selection) method should be interesting to you.

It sounds like you want something like References->Workspace (Control+Shift+G) rather than the call hierarchy?

Have you used this option before? It uses FindReferencesAction, take a look at this class and you can see it building up a search query based on the currently selected IJavaElement.

Could you use this as a basic for a search query on multiple IJavaElements? Or do you want your own specific view?

Before you write anything like this, make sure you take a look at JDepend4Eclipse, it may do much of what you need. I have used it in the past to do package-level refactoring as well as understanding (and removing) circular dependencies.

If it doesn't do what you need, you may want to peek at their source code.
