I'm new with triple stores and I need a good recommendation for an open source triple store, where I can store OWL files. Does someone have some recommendations for me? Thank you a lot! Bests M
I think 4Store would be a good choice, which is fast and stable. You can get some information from project repository
Jena TDB and Sesame RDF4J would be another choice. Both are open source. You can refer the comparison between Jena and Sesame here
Other materials:
More large triple stores introduction.
RDF Store Benchmarking
As OWL files are RDF, any RDF triplestore will do for storing them - though not every triple store will support OWL reasoning (but then again, you might not even need that).
Some popular open source choices for RDF storage/querying are OpenRDF Sesame, Apache Jena, OpenLink Virtuoso, Redland, 4store, and dotNetRdf. It's probably worth pointing out that several of these (e.g. Sesame, Jena, dotNetRdf) are storage-neutral APIs, which means that several other (open source & commercial) triplestores can be accessed via them.
So which triplestore/API you pick depends on your requirements in terms of things like ease of use, scalability, reasoning support required, and just generally which one you think looks cool. Have a look at this page for an overview of some of the strengths and weaknesses of the various offerings.