Parsing Lisp S-Expressions with known schema in C#

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-03 20:41:04

In my opinion a parse generator is unneccessary to parse simple S-expressions consisting only of lists, numbers and symbols. A hand-written recursive descent parser is probably simpler and at least as fast. The general pattern would look like this (in java, c# should be very similar):

Object readDatum(PushbackReader in) {
    int ch =;
    return readDatum(in, ch);
Object readDatum(PushbackReader in, int ch) {
    if (ch == '(')) {
        return readList(in, ch);
    } else if (isNumber(ch)) {
        return readNumber(in, ch);
    } else if (isSymbolStart(ch)) {
        return readSymbol(in, ch);
    } else {
List readList(PushbackReader in, int lookAhead) {
    if (ch != '(') {
    List result = new List();
    while (true) {
        int ch =;
        if (ch == ')') {
        } else if (isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
        } else {
            result.append(readDatum(in, ch);
    return result;
String readSymbol(PushbackReader in, int ch) {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    while (true) {
       int ch2 =;
       if (isSymbol(ch2)) {
       } else if (isWhiteSpace(ch2) || ch2 == ')') {
       } else if (ch2 == -1) {
       } else {
    return result.toString();

I wrote an S-Expression parser in C# using OMeta#. It can parse the kind of S-Expressions that you are giving in your examples, you just need to add decimal numbers to the parser.

The code is available as SExpression.NET on github and a related article is available here. As an alternative I suggest to take a look at the YaYAML YAML parser for .NET also written using OMeta#.

Consider using Ragel. It's a state machine compiler and produces reasonably fast code.

It may not be apparent from the home page, but Ragel does have C# support. Here's a trivial example of how to use it in C#

Look at gplex and gppg.

Alternatively, you can trivially translate the S-expressions to XML and let .NET do the rest.

Drew, perhaps you should add some context to the question, otherwise this answer will make no sense to other users, but try this:


    letter = 'A'..'Z' + 'a'..'z' .
    digit = "0123456789" .
    messageChar = '\u0020'..'\u007e' - ' ' - '(' - ')'  .


    double = ['-'] digit { digit } [ '.' digit { digit } ] .
    ident = letter { letter | digit | '_' } .
    message = messageChar { messageChar } CONTEXT (")") .

Oh, I have to point out that '\u0020' is the unicode SPACE, which you are subsequently removing with "- ' '". Oh, and you can use CONTEXT (')') if you don't need more than one character lookahead.

FWIW: CONTEXT does not consume the enclosed sequence, you must still consume it in your production.


Ok, this seems to work. Really, I mean it this time :)

    letter = 'A'..'Z' + 'a'..'z' .
    digit = "0123456789" .
//    messageChar = '\u0020'..'\u007e' - ' ' - '(' - ')'  .


    double = ['-'] digit { digit } [ '.' digit { digit } ] .
    ident = letter { letter | digit | '_' } .
//    message = letter { messageChar } CONTEXT (')') .

// MessageText<out string m> = message               (. m = t.val; .)
// .

HearExpr<out HeardMessage message> = (. TimeSpan time; Angle direction = Angle.NaN; string messageText; .)
        TimeSpan<out time>
        ( "self" | AngleInDegrees<out direction> )
// MessageText<out messageText>    // REMOVED    
{ ANY } (. messageText = t.val; .) // MOD
    ')' (. message = new HeardMessage(time, direction, new Message(messageText)); .)

Here's a relatively simple (and hopefully, easy to extend) solution:

public delegate object Acceptor(Token token, string match);

public class Symbol
    public Symbol(string id) { Id = id ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("P"); }
    public override string ToString() => Id;
    public string Id { get; private set; }

public class Token : Symbol
    internal Token(string id) : base(id) { }
    public Token(string pattern, Acceptor acceptor) : base(pattern) { Regex = new Regex(string.Format("^({0})", !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pattern = pattern) ? Pattern : ".*"), RegexOptions.Compiled); ValueOf = acceptor; }
    public string Pattern { get; private set; }
    public Regex Regex { get; private set; }
    public Acceptor ValueOf { get; private set; }

public class SExpressionSyntax
    private readonly Token Space = Token("\\s+", Echo);
    private readonly Token Open = Token("\\(", Echo);
    private readonly Token Close = Token("\\)", Echo);
    private readonly Token Quote = Token("\\'", Echo);
    private Token comment;

    private static Exception Error(string message, params object[] arguments) => new Exception(string.Format(message, arguments));

    private static object Echo(Token token, string match) => new Token(token.Id);

    private static object Quoting(Token token, string match) => NewSymbol(token, match);

    private Tuple<Token, string, object> Read(ref string input)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
            var found = null as Match;
            var sofar = input;
            var tuple = Lexicon.FirstOrDefault(current => (found = current.Item2.Regex.Match(sofar)).Success && (found.Length > 0));
            var token = tuple != null ? tuple.Item2 : null;
            var match = token != null ? found.Value : null;
            input = match != null ? input.Substring(match.Length) : input;
            return token != null ? Tuple.Create(token, match, token.ValueOf(token, match)) : null;
        return null;

    private Tuple<Token, string, object> Next(ref string input)
        Tuple<Token, string, object> read;
        while (((read = Read(ref input)) != null) && ((read.Item1 == Comment) || (read.Item1 == Space))) ;
        return read;

    public object Parse(ref string input, Tuple<Token, string, object> next)
        var value = null as object;
        if (next != null)
            var token = next.Item1;
            if (token == Open)
                var list = new List<object>();
                while (((next = Next(ref input)) != null) && (next.Item1 != Close))
                    list.Add(Parse(ref input, next));
                if (next == null)
                    throw Error("unexpected EOF");
                value = list.ToArray();
            else if (token == Quote)
                var quote = next.Item3;
                next = Next(ref input);
                value = new[] { quote, Parse(ref input, next) };
                value = next.Item3;
            throw Error("unexpected EOF");
        return value;

    protected Token TokenOf(Acceptor acceptor)
        var found = Lexicon.FirstOrDefault(pair => pair.Item2.ValueOf == acceptor);
        var token = found != null ? found.Item2 : null;
        if ((token == null) && (acceptor != Commenting))
            throw Error("missing required token definition: {0}", acceptor.Method.Name);
        return token;

    protected IList<Tuple<string, Token>> Lexicon { get; private set; }

    protected Token Comment { get { return comment = comment ?? TokenOf(Commenting); } }

    public static Token Token(string pattern, Acceptor acceptor) => new Token(pattern, acceptor);

    public static object Commenting(Token token, string match) => Echo(token, match);

    public static object NewSymbol(Token token, string match) => new Symbol(match);

    public static Symbol Symbol(object value) => value as Symbol;

    public static string Moniker(object value) => Symbol(value) != null ? Symbol(value).Id : null;

    public static string ToString(object value)
            value is object[] ?
                ((object[])value).Length > 0 ?
                ((object[])value).Aggregate(new StringBuilder("("), (result, obj) => result.AppendFormat(" {0}", ToString(obj))).Append(" )").ToString()
                "( )"
            (value != null ? (value is string ? string.Concat('"', (string)value, '"') : (value is bool ? value.ToString().ToLower() : value.ToString())).Replace("\\\r\n", "\r\n").Replace("\\\n", "\n").Replace("\\t", "\t").Replace("\\n", "\n").Replace("\\r", "\r").Replace("\\\"", "\"") : null) ?? "(null)";

    public SExpressionSyntax()
        Lexicon = new List<Tuple<string, Token>>();
        Include(Space, Open, Close, Quote);

    public SExpressionSyntax Include(params Token[] tokens)
        foreach (var token in tokens)
            Lexicon.Add(new Tuple<string, Token>(token.Id, token));
        return this;

    public object Parse(string input)
        var next = Next(ref input);
        var value = Parse(ref input, next);
        if ((next = Next(ref input)) != null)
            throw Error("unexpected ", next.Item1);
        return value;

public class CustomSExpressionSyntax : SExpressionSyntax
    public CustomSExpressionSyntax()
        : base()
            // "//" comments
            Token("\\/\\/.*", SExpressionSyntax.Commenting),

            // Obvious
            Token("false", (token, match) => false),
            Token("true", (token, match) => true),
            Token("null", (token, match) => null),
            Token("\\-?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+", (token, match) => double.Parse(match)),
            Token("\\-?[0-9]+", (token, match) => int.Parse(match)),

            // String literals
            Token("\\\"(\\\\\\n|\\\\t|\\\\n|\\\\r|\\\\\\\"|[^\\\"])*\\\"", (token, match) => match.Substring(1, match.Length - 2)),

            // Identifiers
            Token("[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*", NewSymbol)

public class Node { }

public class HearPerceptorState : Node
    public string Ident { get; set; }
    public double Value { get; set; }

public class HingeJointState : Node
    public string Ident { get; set; }
    public double Value { get; set; }

public class Polar : Tuple<double, double, double>
    public Polar(double a, double b, double c) : base(a, b, c) { }

public class ForceResistancePerceptorState : Node
    public string Ident { get; set; }
    public Polar Polar { get; set; }

public class Test
    public static void Main()
        var input = @"
                (Hear 12.3 HelloWorld)
                (HJ LAJ1 -0.42)
                (FRP lf (pos 2.3 1.7 0.4))

        // visit DRY helpers
        Func<object, object[]> asRecord = value => (object[])value;
        Func<object, Symbol> symbol = value => SExpressionSyntax.Symbol(value);
        Func<object, string> identifier = value => symbol(value).Id;

        // the SExpr visit, proper
        Func<object[], Node[]> visitAll = null;
        Func<object[], Node> visitHear = null;
        Func<object[], Node> visitHJ = null;
        Func<object[], Node> visitFRP = null;

        visitAll =
            all =>
                    item =>
                        symbol(asRecord(item)[0]).Id != "Hear" ?
                            symbol(asRecord(item)[0]).Id != "HJ" ?

        visitHear =
            item =>
                new HearPerceptorState { Value = (double)asRecord(item)[1], Ident = identifier(asRecord(item)[2]) };

        visitHJ =
            item =>
                new HingeJointState { Ident = identifier(asRecord(item)[1]), Value = (double)asRecord(item)[2] };

        visitFRP =
            item =>
                new ForceResistancePerceptorState
                    Ident = identifier(asRecord(item)[1]),
                    Polar =
                        new Polar

        var syntax = new CustomSExpressionSyntax();

        var sexpr = syntax.Parse(input);

        var nodes = visitAll(asRecord(sexpr));

        Console.WriteLine(nodes.Length == 3);
        Console.WriteLine(nodes[0] is HearPerceptorState);
        Console.WriteLine(nodes[1] is HingeJointState);
        Console.WriteLine(nodes[2] is ForceResistancePerceptorState);

Testable here:

