Does argument dependent lookup only search namespaces or classes too?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-03 20:36:10

ADL will look in the enclosing namespace of the type, and also inside the type itself. The best example is a friend function that is defined inside the type:

namespace X {
class test {
   friend void f( test ) { std::cout << "test" << std::endl; }
int main() {
   X::test t;
   f( t );

The call to f(t) will find X::f whose declaration is only available inside the type test. This is a little known feature of friend function declarations: they declare a namespace level function, but provide the declaration only inside the type. A simple test to verify this behavior:

namespace X {
   class test {
      friend void f( test );
   //void f( test );          // [1]
void X::f( X::test ) {}       // [2]
int main() {
   X::test t;
   f(t);                      // [3]

The definition in [2] will trigger a compilation error, as you can only define a function that has already been declared, and as [2] is outside of the namespace X that definition does not serve the purpose of self-declaration (if you define a function inside the namespace where it resides, then the definition is also a declaration, but not in this case). If we uncomment [1] the error would go away. Alternatively, if we comment [2], the code will compile indicating that for the call in [3], ADL has found the declaration inside the class.

In the first example, bryan_ns::f is a non-static member function. The expression in main has no . or -> member operator, so it is obviously not a member function call and bryan_ns::f is not a viable function.
